- Full-stack Developer at Talckatoo
- Full-stack Developer at Code The Dream
- React Native Developer at Commonly
- 📝 Blog 📇 Portfolio 📧 minhtamphamtol.com
- HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript
- Next.js, React, React Native (React CLI and Expo), Vite, Redux Toolkit
- Node.js, Express, Koa (Strapi)
- Python, Django
- Database & Storage: MongoDB, GraphQL/Hygrapgh, PostgreSQL, SQLite, AWS S3, Cloudinary
- Real-time: Websocket | SocketIO
- Hosting: Heroku, Digital Ocean, Vercel, Netlify, Render
- API testing: Postman, Chai
- Authentication: OAuth, Passport
- Version control & Project management: Git | GitHub | Github Actions | Jira | Confluence | Zenhub | Trello
- Others: Cron jobs, Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Nodemailer, Swagger