- Ability to pardon player from web.
- Confirm before linking player (on by default). can be turned off using config variable
enable-player-link-confirmation: false
- Plugin bug fixes and improve stability.
New config.yml variables added (Spigot/Paper only)
# Enable player link confirmation to prevent accidental linking
enable-player-link-confirmation: true
# Message when player linking need confirmation
- "&6&lAre you sure you want to link your account?"
- "&lClick -> [&a&lConfirm](run_command=/link confirm) [&c&lDeny](run_command=/link deny)"
- ""
- "&6or manually type &a/link confirm&r &6or &c/link deny&r"
# Title to show when player linking need confirmation
player-link-confirmation-title: "&6Confirmation Required"
# Subtitle to show when player linking need confirmation
player-link-confirmation-subtitle: "Please check chat to &aconfirm&f or &cdeny&f linking."
# Processing text
processing-message: '&7Processing...'
# Cancelled text
cancelled-message: '&7Cancelled!'
Full Changelog: 6.3.0...7.0.0