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  • In this code CBOW was implemented with a 128 embedding dim and 128 hidden dime connected to a fully connected layer that is the same size of the vocab, and using cross entropy as the loss function.

      (embed): Embedding(3000, 128)
      (linear1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=128, bias=True)
      (linear2): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=3000, bias=True)


  • There wasn't alot of hyperparameter tuning except for how to choose the embedding space of the vocab words, and the optimization alogrithm. The first was choosen following the power of 2 convention used in CS applications, the latter was chosen because the SGD wasn't always stable terms of gradient decent (accuracy get's stuck sometimes), however, Adam was much stable accross multiple tests.

In Vitro

1- The first test was done with a context_size = 4 and 30 epochs, after the 10th epoch the training accuracy didn't increase much, stablizing around 0.4, same as well with the validation accuracy. Plots shared below context-4-train context-4-val

2- The second test was done with a context size = 2 and 7 epochs, the reason of decreasing the number of epochs is the limited time that I had. The training and validation accuracy were around 0.34. context-2-train context-2-val


  • We can see that the accuracy of the context_size = 4 is higher than the context_size = 2, though a bigger context is a harder task. The reason behind that the way I formulated the context. So, a target word has at least one context word that is not <pad> then it is going to be added in the input/output tensors data. So, this means I can have a context like (I'm, <pad>, <pad>, <pad>) which makes the prediction task easier for large context sizes. On the contrary, the smaller context that equals 2 will have less padding in it's input/output tensors data. What supports my argument is when I tried with context size = 8 my train/val accuracy jumped to 0.5 as in the pic below context-8-train context-8-val

In Vivo

There are 3 metric measures used in this part of the evaluation. Exact, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), MR (don't know stands for what). The definition of each is below:

  • ِExact: measures how many matches were in the first index of the result list, which means that the word2vec found the expected match as the first result of the query. Cons of this measure that it depends on how accurate our true dataset is, so if there are other words that can be an exact match as well this measure won't display an accurate result.
  • MRR, measures all the query reuslts in the list with a reverse rank order of the result in the list. So, the further the result is the less MRR is going to be. If the model performs very poor this score is going to be close to zero, otherwise around 1 if the model performs well.
  • MR, measures total/correct, which seems as a variance measure. In other words, how spread are the matching words in the query list. So, if we had a very good model and total = correct the result is going to be closer to 1. If we had a very poor model, correct is going to be a fraction which means the matched results are further in the query's reuslt list; consequently MR score going to be higher.


Below is the result of the in-vivo evaluation, I was suspecting that the small context window (size = 2) model will perform better on "syn" relation type, but context window 4 performed better on all levels except on denonym. Maybe the reason of why size 4 performed better is that size 2 is too small to capture syn relations. That's why I tried Window size = 8 but it didn't perform better than window size = 4 and I guess the reason is the paddings that I kept in the context (explained in the previous discussion). A better approach is going to be only having context as an input/output tensor if there isn't any padding. I didn't have time to try that out.

Context Size 4

...Total performance across all 1309 analogies: 0.0168 (Exact); 0.0352 (MRR); 28 (MR)
...Analogy performance across 969 "sem" relation types: 0.0062 (Exact); 0.0188 (MRR); 53 (MR)
	relation			N	exact	MRR		MR
	capitals			1	0.0000	0.0667	15
	binary_gender		12	0.0833	0.2418	4
	antonym				54	0.0370	0.0555	18
	member				4	0.2500	0.2750	4
	hypernomy			542	0.0037	0.0144	69
	similar				117	0.0000	0.0111	90
	partof				29	0.0000	0.0153	65
	instanceof			9	0.0000	0.0144	70
	derivedfrom			133	0.0000	0.0070	143
	hascontext			32	0.0000	0.0100	100
	relatedto			10	0.0000	0.0016	630
	attributeof			11	0.0000	0.0084	118
	causes				6	0.0000	0.0132	76
	entails				9	0.0000	0.0054	185
...Analogy performance across 340 "syn" relation types: 0.0471 (Exact); 0.0817 (MRR); 12 (MR)
	relation			N	exact	MRR		MR
	adj_adv				22	0.0000	0.0088	114
	comparative			7	0.1429	0.2051	5
	superlative			3	0.0000	0.0377	27
	present_participle	62	0.0161	0.0514	19
	denonym				2	0.0000	0.0000	inf
	past_tense			64	0.0469	0.1114	9
	plural_nouns		107	0.0561	0.0923	11
	plural_verbs		73	0.0685	0.0803	12

Context Size 2

...Total performance across all 1309 analogies: 0.0061 (Exact); 0.0152 (MRR); 66 (MR)
...Analogy performance across 969 "sem" relation types: 0.0021 (Exact); 0.0092 (MRR); 108 (MR)
	relation		N	exact	MRR		MR
	capitals		1	0.0000	0.0147	68
	binary_gender	12	0.0833	0.1502	7
	antonym			54	0.0000	0.0161	62
	member			4	0.0000	0.0060	165
	hypernomy		542	0.0000	0.0054	186
	similar			117	0.0085	0.0163	61
	partof			29	0.0000	0.0033	302
	instanceof		9	0.0000	0.0056	180
	derivedfrom		133	0.0000	0.0057	176
	hascontext		32	0.0000	0.0135	74
	relatedto		10	0.0000	0.0014	713
	attributeof		11	0.0000	0.0037	268
	causes			6	0.0000	0.0011	878
	entails			9	0.0000	0.0027	377
...Analogy performance across 340 "syn" relation types: 0.0176 (Exact); 0.0324 (MRR); 31 (MR)
	relation			N	exact	MRR		MR
	adj_adv				22	0.0000	0.0086	117
	comparative			7	0.0000	0.0188	53
	superlative			3	0.0000	0.0007	1440
	present_participle	62	0.0000	0.0242	41
	denonym				2	0.0000	0.0029	340
	past_tense			64	0.0156	0.0317	32
	plural_nouns		107	0.0374	0.0440	23
	plural_verbs		73	0.0137	0.0335	30

Context Size 8

...Total performance across all 1309 analogies: 0.0015 (Exact); 0.0086 (MRR); 117 (MR)
...Analogy performance across 969 "sem" relation types: 0.0010 (Exact); 0.0072 (MRR); 138 (MR)
	relation			N	exact	MRR		MR
	capitals			1	0.0000	0.0000	inf
	binary_gender		12	0.0000	0.0167	60
	antonym				54	0.0000	0.0028	359
	member				4	0.0000	0.0008	1213
	hypernomy			542	0.0000	0.0080	125
	similar				117	0.0000	0.0027	375
	partof				29	0.0000	0.0028	360
	instanceof			9	0.0000	0.0259	39
	derivedfrom			133	0.0000	0.0040	249
	hascontext			32	0.0000	0.0026	389
	relatedto			10	0.1000	0.1002	10
	attributeof			11	0.0000	0.0004	2726
	causes				6	0.0000	0.0029	346
	entails				9	0.0000	0.0048	206
...Analogy performance across 340 "syn" relation types: 0.0029 (Exact); 0.0124 (MRR); 81 (MR)
	relation			N	exact	MRR		MR
	adj_adv				22	0.0000	0.0009	1152
	comparative			7	0.0000	0.0201	50
	superlative			3	0.0000	0.0016	628
	present_participle	62	0.0000	0.0212	47
	denonym				2	0.0000	0.0018	557
	past_tense			64	0.0000	0.0151	66
	plural_nouns		107	0.0000	0.0032	310
	plural_verbs		73	0.0137	0.0194	51


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