This documentation will provide you enought knowledge to be an expert with Democrite framework and know a lot in multi-agent system and distributer system. We will explain the needed fondation to understand democrite, how to use basic fonctionality of democrite and advanced features.
If you have any question or remarks use the issue section or add tag #democrite on stackoverflow.
Democrite is a multi-agent distributed system based on microsoft Orleans .net framework. To understand the capacity, constraint and possibility of the system you must first understant what is an agent ? what is a multi-agent system ? and what means distributed.
To do so go to docs/
Democrite is an orchestration framework based on Microsoft Orleans, as multi-agents distributed system.
More Information
- StreamQueue
- Dynamic Definition
- Artifacts
- Storage - Repository
- Redirection
- Reference Id
- Blackboard
- Yaml Definition Compilation
- Framework extensions