I'm a FullStack Developer from Colombia ๐จ๐ด mainly focussed on FrontEnd Development ๐จ.
I'm a FullStack Developer from Colombia ๐จ๐ด mainly focussed on FrontEnd Development ๐จ.
Get the url, thumbnail, title, description and tags for youtube videos using and without using the youtube API.
Full stack search-engine created from youtube videos obtained using "web-scraping"
Jupyter Notebook
Solutions, in multiple languages, to practices / challenges from platfforms like #codewars, #leetcode, #codeforces, #aoc,etc.
C++ 1
An easy-to-update portfolio that reads information from json files.
A figma-to-code practice. Design from: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1174044457847232666/school-landing-pages.
Astro 1