Unmaintened project. Please don't use it
This bash script install all necesaries for a web server on ubuntu distribution. It will install :
- apache2
- php7.4 with fpm
- php7.4-mysql
- php7.4-zip
- php7.4-xml
- php7.4-intl
- composer
- mariadb10.3
- curl
- nodejs8.x
- yarn
After all those things were installed, the scrpt will ask you if you want to create a database user with all access on all url or on a specific database
First of all you have to download it
git clone https://github.com/Piou-piou/ribsInstallServer.git
After that you have to set it as executable file. In the folder of the bash script do :
sudo chmod +x ribs-install-server.sh
And now to install a webserver on ubuntu distribution you just have to do (In the folder of the bash script) :
./ribs-install-server.sh webserver
After that if you got problem with mariadb. You just have to change the file /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
and add this line plugin-load-add = auth_socket.so
below [mysqld]
To create a domain on ubuntu distribution you just have to do (In the folder of the bash script) : This command is automaticly call on webserver command
./ribs-install-server.sh create-domain