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Contact Manager CLI

Small command line tool to create contacts from your terminal. Utilizes Google Cloud Functions for HTTP triggers, Firebase for persistent storage and plain old NodeJS.

Getting Started

These simple steps will get you a working copy of the application.

$ git clone

this will clone the repo and create a contact-manager-cli directory

If you prefer a different name for the project



You will need a couple of things to get started:

  1. NodeJS and npm

    Ensure you have NodeJS installed on your environment. You can get installation instructions from here

  2. Firebase CLI

    Get firebase-tools installed on your development environment. This will be used to manage the project and configure Cloud functions.

    $ npm install -g firebase-tools

    More instructions on using firebase-tools can be found here

Setting up

Setting up the project is easy, once you have all the requirements checked, then you can setup as follows:

$ npm install
# if using yarn
$ yarn install

This will install all the dependencies you need in node_modules/ directory

Once you have installed dependencies here, change directory into firefunctions/functions and install dependencies there too

$ cd firefunctions/functions
$ npm install # or yarn install

Now you can use firebase-tools to setup your project with firebase

$ firebase login # logs you into firebase console

Running the app

You will need to setup a project on Firebase console after which you can enable the project in the firefunctions directory.

$ cd firefunctions
$ firebase use <PROJECT_ID>

Next step is to deploy functions:

$ npm run deploy

Run this command inside the firefunctions directory

After which you can take the CLI for a run.

$ cd .. # if in the firefunctions directory
$ npm run build
$ npm install -g
$ npm link # not necessary

This will run a build and transpile the code before setting it in the build/ directory. You can then install it globally and link if necessary.

One thing to keep in mind: During development, any change you make in the project will not be visible if you simply execute the contact command with the given options. If you run which contact-manager, you will realize that the path of contact is not the same as the project path in which you are working. To prevent this, simply run npm link in your project folder. This will automatically establish a symbolic link between the executable command and the project directory. Henceforth, whatever changes you make in the project directory will be reflected in the contact command as well.

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