Releases: Teradata/dbt-teradata
Releases · Teradata/dbt-teradata
dbt-teradata v1.9.1
dbt-teradata v1.9.0
dbt-teradata 1.9.0a
- Addition of new Snapshot features with dbt-teradata v1.9 (#207):
- Enable setting a datetime value for dbt_valid_to for current records instead of NULL
- Enable hard_deletes config to add a metadata column if a record has been deleted
- Allow customizing names of metadata fields
- Enable unique_key as a list
Fixes the exception handling on the valid_history incremental strategy
Under the hood
- Addition of testcases for Snapshot
dbt-teradata v1.8.3
dbt-teradata 1.8.3a
- Removed dependency on QVCI for retrieving column information of views.
Updated Readme for
- Deleted the content related to enabling QVCI and the use_qvci flag.
- Included a note on unique alias requirements for CTEs and subqueries in unit testing
Under the hood
dbt-teradata v1.8.2a1
dbt-teradata 1.8.2a1a
Under the hood
dbt-teradata v1.8.2
dbt-teradata 1.8.2a
- Addition of md5_udf variable for custom hash macro configuration
- Full support for valid_history incremental strategy
- Remove support and testing for Python 3.8, which is now EOL
- Adapter does not resolve dates correctly in unit testing
- Snapshots fail on structure changes
- (#192)
Updated Readme for
- md5_udf variable - for custom hash macro configuration
- valid_history incremental strategy
- unit testing support
Under the hood
- Test project for valid_history incremental strategy
- Addition of more function tests for better coverage
- Change in workflow file for testing md5_udf variable
dbt-teradata v1.8.1
dbt-teradata 1.8.1a
- dbt-teradata is now fully compatible with Python 3.12.
- Added support for browser-based Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication when connecting to SSO-enabled Teradata databases. Please refer to the README for more details.
- Resolved an issue with the 'show' command.
- Fixed a TypeError in TeradataAdapter.get_catalog() where it incorrectly took three arguments instead of two.
- Corrected exception handling for failed database connections.
- Updated the README to include additional Teradata profile fields and threads options.
Under the hood
- Expanded test coverage for snapshots.
- Verified the compatibility of dbt's threads feature with dbt-teradata.
dbt-teradata v1.8.0
dbt-teradata 1.8.0a
- dbt-teradata is now compatible with dbt-core 1.8.x
- dbt-teradata adapter has been decoupled from dbt-core and is now compatible with dbt-adapters >= 1.2.1, dbt-common >= 1.3.0
- Unit test feature of dbt 1.8 is now supported in dbt-teradata
- Added support for --empty flag for dry run
- Fixed - Collisions in dbt_scd_id while calculating snapshots (#160)
Under the hood
- Changes in workflow files for better release activity
dbt-teradata v1.7.3
dbt-teradata 1.7.3a
- dbt-teradata 1.7.3 is now compatible with dbt-core 1.7.16
- Adding 'valid_history' incremental materialization strategy (early access)
- Implementation of query_band support in dbt-teradata
dbt-teradata v1.7.2
dbt-teradata 1.7.2a
- dbt-teradata 1.7.2 is now compatible with dbt-core 1.7.11
- Adding the native JSON datatype support
- Fixed the issue with rendering of index creation from configs
- Fixed the issue with run_result.json has rows_affected = 0 always when data are inserted into target table, and code shows success instead of insert or update
Under the hood
- No security vulnerabilities reported in the Snyk report
dbt-teradata v1.7.1
dbt-teradata 1.7.1a
- Model contracts are now supported with dbt-teradata v1.7.1 and onwards
- Addition of Tera Mode in dbt-teradata
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an initial implementation of the TERA transaction mode and may not support some use cases. We strongly advise validating all records or transformations utilizing this mode to preempt any potential anomalies or errors.
- Fixed the bug related to missing keyword 'raise' in one of the exception handling
#133 - Fixed the Issue: Incremental Materialization : Merge not working when update does single column
Under the hood
- Migrated CI pipeline to environments dynamically provisioned in ClearScape Analytics Experience (