CNC_TOOLBOX wb for UTA Fablab Sherline Lathe single turrent
How to use
- Make sure you have CNC_TOOLBOX downloaded and able to open up
- Make a folder named "sherline_lathe" in the "wb" folder located in CNC_TOOLBOX (the naming is important)
- Copy and Paste all of the files from the this repository into the folder you just created
- Verify that you are now able to select the Sherline Lathe from the device drop down menu
to edit tool table function to always overwrite a file, rather than letting you select a folder in the file in the generate_tool_table, delete the following:
browser = QFileDialog() browser.setFileMode(QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly) if browser.exec_(): folder = browser.selectedFiles()[0] and replace with folder = "path/to/your/directory"
The function will now overwrite the same file every time