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A lightweight abstract TCP/IP socket & packet library.



This project uses the following dependencies:


A Packet<T> is an interface that represents a packet containing data of type T. The generic parameter T specifies the type of values that the packet encode and decode.
When working with packets, the T parameter allows you to define the specific type of data that the packet encapsulates. It provides a way to make the packet interface more flexible and reusable, as you can use different types for different packets.
The packet construction pattern consists of several elements that are used to construct a packet:

int 4B LENGTH The total Packet length, excluding the 4 bytes used to store the length itself.
int 4B ID The id of the Packet.
x Variable DATA The data block(s) included in the packet.

The interface Packet implements 2 subinterfaces: S2CPacket<T> and C2SPacket<T>, to separate Server→Client and Client→Server communication.
The S2CPacket and C2SPacket could be registered with the same id as long as there is an outgoing (serverside) and an ingoing (clientside) Packet that take the same type of Object as input.
The server cannot send a S2CPacket<Object[]> with id 0, when the clients awaits a S2CPacket<String> as id 0. However, C2SPacket<String> (serverside) with id 0 would be a valid as long as the C2SPacket (clientside) also awaits a <String> with id 0.

This table represents a valid packet configuration:
(S/C : Server/Client where the packet was registered)

S 0 S2C send T1
C 0 S2C read T1
C 0 C2S send T2
S 0 C2S read T2

This table represents a wrong packet configuration:

S 0 S2C send T2
C 0 S2C read T1
C 0 C2S send T2
S 0 C2S read T3

Implementing S2CPacket and C2SPacket in the same subclass for the client and the server ensures that the awaited Object is the same for the two.

Data Blocks

The construction of a data block varies depending of the generic argument passed T, basic data blocks are defined as follows:

short 2B HEADER The header used to decode the following data, see CodecManager.
x variable DATA The data of the block.

This definition is valable for generic types such as: Byte, Short, Integer, Double, Float, Long and Character, because their size is known. The header can be omitted in some cases, such as in arrays or maps where multiple following elements use the same header which is specified in the parent data block

Data blocks for types with variable size such as String, Arrays, Lists and Maps have a different construction:

short 2B HEADER The header used to decode the following data, see CodecManager.
int 4B LENGTH The length of the following data, see CodecManager.
x variable DATA The data of the block.

Data blocks can be concatonated inside each other, for example a String[] (String array) is described this way:

short 2B HEADER The Array header.
int 4B LENGTH The count of elements contained int the array.
short 2B HEADER The String header.
x variable DATA The data of the block.

This specific data is constructed this way:

int 4B LENGTH The length of the following String.
x LENGTH DATA The bytes of the String.

Note that the Header is dropped because it is specified after the Array's length; the same decoder is used for all of the elements contained in the array.

Packet Build Order

Data Blocks generated by the CodecManager, are handed to the EncryptionManager and the CompressionManager.
These operations follow a specific order for writing the packet:

new Packet<T>() Packet New packet instance created.
Packet#xWrite(x) Object The write method of the packet is called.
CodecManager#encode(Object) ByteBuffer The packet's content gets encoded by the corresponding Encoder<T>.
EncryptionManager#encoder(ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer gets encrypted using the registered Encryptor.
CompressionManager#compress(ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer gets compressed using the registered Compressor.
ADD LENGTH, ID ByteBuffer The length of the packet and it's ID is added.
write(ByteBuffer) boolean Writes the ByteBuffer to the OutputStream. Returns true if succeeded.

To read an incoming packet, the same operations are done in reverse.
Data Blocks are handed to the CompressionManager and the EncryptionManager:

read(ByteBuffer (4)) int Reads the input for 4 bytes. This represents the LENGTH of the following packet.
read(ByteBuffer (LENGTH)) int Reads the input for LENGTH bytes.
PARSE ID ByteBuffer The 4 first bytes of the data represent the ID of the packet.
CompressionManager#decompress(ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer gets decompressed using the registered Decompressor.
EncryptionManager#decrypt(ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer gets decrypted using the registered Decryptor.
CodecManager#decode(Packet) ByteBuffer The packet's content gets decoded by the corresponding Decoder<T>.
PacketManager#packetInstance(ID) Packet New packet instance is created using it's id.
Packet#xRead(x, obj) void The packet is read by the receiver.


See JBCodec's CodecManager.


The EncryptionManager class is responsible for managing the encryption and decryption of the input and output ByteBuffers.

  1. Encryptor getEncryptor(), Decryptor getDecryptor(): Getters for Encryptor/Decryptor.
  2. void setEncryptor(Encryptor e), void setDecryptor(Decryptor d): Setters for Encryptor/Decryptor.
  3. static EncryptionManager raw(): This static factory method creates and initializes a EncryptionManager instance with RawDecryptor and RawEncryptor, this does not encrypt.
  4. static EncryptionManager aes(byte[] key): This static factory method creates and initializes a EncryptionManager instance using the AES symmetric key algorithm.


The CompressionManager class is responsible for managing the compressing and decompressing the input and output ByteBuffers.

  1. Compressor getCompressor(), Decompressor getDecompressor(): Getters for Compressor/Decompressor.
  2. void setCompressor(Compressor e), void setDecompressor(Decompressor d): Setters for Compressor/Decompressor.
  3. static CompressionManager raw(): This static factory method creates and initializes a CompressionManager instance with RawCompressor and RawDecompressor, this does not compresses.


There are 2 default EventManagers:

  • AsyncEventManager handles events asyncronously, in a separate thread pool.
  • EventManager handles events syncronously, default EventManager.

Changing the default EventManager:
The default is SyncEventManager

Adding an EventListener:

EventListener usage:

  • The @ListenerPriority (optional) annotation is used to change the listener's priority (higher = executed earlier, default is 0)
  • The @EventHandler annotation is used to mark methods to handle the event specified by the first parameter. Example:
@ListenerPriority(priority = 10)
public class MyEventListener implements EventListener {
	public void onClientConnect(ClientConnectedEvent event) {
		// do something
	// the name doesn't matter
	public void kjwdsfkjhsf(P4JEvent event) {
		// do something

There are multiple events (implementing P4JEvent):

  • ClientConnectedEvent(P4JClientInstance, P4JServerInstance): When a client connects to a server.
    Server side: ServerClient -> P4JServer
    Client side: P4JClient -> ClientServer
  • S2CReadPacketEvent(P4JInstance, Packet, Class<Packet>, int, Throwable, boolean): When a client reads an incoming packet from the server.
  • S2CWritePacketEvent(P4JClientInstance, Packet, Class<Packet>, int, Throwable, boolean): When a server writes an outgoing packet to the client.
  • C2SReadPacketEvent(P4JClientInstance, Packet, Class<Packet>, int, Throwable, boolean): When a server reads an incoming packet from the client.
  • C2SWritePacketEvent(P4JClientInstance, Packet, Class<Packet>, int, Throwable, boolean): When a client writes an outgoing packet to the server.
  • ClientDisconnectedEvent(ClosedChannelException, P4JClientInstance): When a client connection gets closed.


See Cat Dog Question Example


To compile use maven, implemented options are: test, package, install & defaults


A lightweight abstract TCP/IP socket & packet library.








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