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- Introduction
- ApiUtils
- AudioUtils
- ColorUtils
- DeviceUtils
- ExpressionUtils
- IEnumerableUtils
- InkUtils
- MonitorUtils
- Template10Utils
- TypeUtils
- UriUtils
- XamlUtils
Template 10 comes with a number of utilities to act as extensions or to simplify certain areas of interacting with Windows.
// Return true if the device has hardware buttons. This is currently for phone devices as those without hardware
// buttons lose some screen estate for the soft buttons.
public static bool IsHardwareButtonsApiPresent { get; }
// Return true if able to set up audio capture for speech.
public async static Task<bool> RequestMicrophonePermission()
This class provides a few extensions:
This converts a Color
to a SolidColorBrush
. E.g.
This darkens a color by a specified percentage (from an enum defined in the class). E.g.
This example returns a variant of white that is 20% darker.
This performs the opposite of Darken()
, lightening the color by the specified percentage.
To be used in conjunction with Darken()
and Lighten()
, there is an enum called Add
specifies percentages in steps of 10, e.g. _10p, _20p, _30p and so on, up to _90p.
public static DeviceUtils Current(Common.WindowWrapper windowWrapper = null)
returns an instance of DeviceUtils
either for the current WindowWrapper
or the one
specified in the call to Current().
The DeviceUtils
class itself provides the following:
// A set of flags to indicate the dispositions (capabilities) of the device.
public enum DeviceDispositions
// A set of flags to indicate the family that the device belongs to.
public enum DeviceFamilies
// Event handler that fires when device orientation changes, or the visible bounds of
// the application window changes.
public event EventHandler Changed;
// Which family does this device belong to?
public static DeviceFamilies DeviceFamily()
// What dispositions does this device have?
public DeviceDispositions DeviceDisposition()
// Does the device support touch?
public bool IsTouch()
// Is the device a phone? (defined as mobile device family and a screen size <= 7")
public bool IsPhone()
// Is Continuum in use? (defined as mobile device family, with touch and a screen size > 7")
public bool IsContinuum()
// Get the diagonal screen size in Inches (default) or Centimeters
public double DiagonalSize(Units units = Units.Inches)
return DeviceUtils.Current().DeviceDisposition()
// Evaluate the passed expression and return the name of the property
public static string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)
var propertyName = ExpressionUtils.GetPropertyName(propertyExpression);
// Convert the IEnumerable to an ObservableCollection.
// e.g.
// IEnumerable<Message> enumerableMessages;
// ObservableCollection<Message> _messages = enumerableMessages.ToObservableCollection();
public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>()
// If the specified key doesn't already exist in the dictionary, try to add it and the key.
// Returns true if successful, false if an error occurred or the key already existed.
// e.g.
// var keys = PageKeys<Pages>();
// keys.TryAdd(Pages.MainPage, typeof(Views.MainPage));
public static bool TryAdd<K, V>(K key, V value)
// Adds the items from an existing IEnumerable to the specified ObservableCollection.
// clearFirst specifies whether or not the ObservableCollection will be cleared before the items are added.
// Note: this method will fire the OnCollectionChanged event one time for each item added.
// Returns the number of items in the eventual ObservableCollection.
// e.g.
// IEnumerable<Message> enumerableMessages;
// ObservableCollection<Message> _messages = default(ObservableCollection<Models.Message>);
// _messages.AddRange(enumerableMessages);
public static int AddRange<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, bool clearFirst = false)
// Add the specified item to the IList<T> and return that item.
// e.g.
// var list = new List<DependencyObject>();
// var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, 0);
// list.AddAndReturn(child);
public static T AddAndReturn<T>(T item)
// For a given IEnumerable<T>, invoke the passed action on each item in the list.
// e.g.
// var priorKeys = _dictionary.Keys.ToArray();
// priorKeys.ForEach(x => RaiseMapChanged(CollectionChange.ItemRemoved, x));
public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Action<T> action)
A number of extensions that are used in conjunction with InkCanvas objects.
// Save the InkCanvas to the specified file. If the folder isn't specified, the file is saved in
// ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.
// e.g.
// await inkCanvas.SaveAsync("SavedCanvas");
public async static Task SaveAsync(string fileName, StorageFolder folder = null)
// Load the specified file into the InkCanvas object. If the folder isn't specified, the file
// is looked for in ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.
// e.g.
// await inkCanvas.LoadAsync("SavedCanvas");
public async static Task LoadAsync(string fileName, StorageFolder folder = null)
// Clear the StrokeContainer in the InkCanvas.
// e.g.
// inkCanvas.Clear();
public static void Clear()
// Returns strings recognised from the strokes on the InkCanvas.
// e.g.
// string results = await inkCanvas.Recognize();
public static async Task<string> Recognize()
public static MonitorUtils Current(Common.WindowWrapper windowWrapper = null)
returns an instance of MonitorUtils
either for the current WindowWrapper
or the one
specified in the call to Current().
The MonitorUtils
class itself provides the following:
public InchesInfo Inches { get; }
public PixelsInfo Pixels { get; }
// Event handler that fires when device orientation changes, or the visible bounds of
// the application window changes.
public event EventHandler Changed;
// Attempt to make the current view fill the screen.
public void Maximize()
is a class that returns Height
, Width
and Diagonal
sizes in inches.
is a class that returns Height
, Width
and Diagonal
sizes in pixels.
This class provides a number of extensions.
// Gets the INavigationService for the frame.
// e.g. frame.GetNavigationService();
public static INavigationService GetNavigationService()
// Using the navigation service associated with the frame, perform NavigateAsync to the page.
// e.g. frame.NavigateAsyncEx(typeof(Views.MainPage), parameter);
public static async Task<bool> NavigateAsyncEx(Type page, object parameter = null, NavigationTransitionInfo infoOverride = null)
// Using the navigation service associated with the frame, perform NavigateAsync to the page associated with the specified key.
// e.g. frame.NavigateAsyncEx(Pages.MainPage);
public static async Task<bool> NavigateAsyncEx<T>(this Frame frame, T key, object parameter = null, NavigationTransitionInfo infoOverride = null) where T : struct, IConvertible
// Get the WindowWrapper associated with the INavigationService.
// e.g. WindowWrapper ww = navService.GetWindowWrapper();
public static WindowWrapper GetWindowWrapper()
// Get the DispatcherWrapper associated with the INavigationService.
// e.g. IDispatcherWrapper dw = navService.GetDispatcherWrapper();
public static IDispatcherWrapper GetDispatcherWrapper()
// Create a DispatcherWrapper for the CoreDispatcher.
// e.g. IDispatcherWrapper dw = wrapper.GetDispatcherWrapper();
public static IDispatcherWrapper GetDispatcherWrapper()
// Returns a list of submenu buttons with the same GroupName attribute as the command button upon which this
// extension is invoked (which is treated as Parent command button).
// If no submenu buttons found, List is still returned with element count of 0.
// For added convenience, the GroupName attribute is detected with string.StartWith(groupName) rather than
// the straightforward string.Equals(groupName). That way we can tag submenu buttons as groupName1, groupName2,
// groupName3, etc. With this scheme, the parent command button should be named by subset string,
// which in this case is groupName.
// You don't have to use this scheme in which case you just stick to a single groupName for all buttons.
// e.g.
// List<HamburgerButtonInfo> items = parent.ItemsInGroup();
public static List<HamburgerButtonInfo> ItemsInGroup(bool IncludeSecondaryButtons = false)
Provides three arrays - Primitives
, NullablePrimitives
and AllPrimitives
The class also provides:
public static bool IsPrimitive(Type type)
This class provides a number of extensions for use with Uris.
// Returns the root of the Uri, i.e. everything before any query string in the Uri.
// e.g. Uri root = fullUri.GetRoot();
public static Uri GetRoot()
// Returns the query string from the Uri as an instance of WwwFormUrlDecoder.
// e.g. WwwFormUrlDecoder decoder = fullUri.QueryString();
public static WwwFormUrlDecoder QueryString()
// Returns the Uri without the specified query in it.
// e.g. Uri cleanUri = fullUri.RemoveQueryStringItem("filter");
public static Uri RemoveQueryStringItem(string name)
// Returns the Uri with the specified query and value added to it.
// Note: this extension does not check to see if the query is already present so
// use RemoveQueryStringItem first.
// e.g. Uri newUri = cleanUri.AppendQueryStringItem("filter", "today");
public static Uri AppendQueryStringItem(string name, string value)
This provides some static methods and some extensions.
// Tries to get the named resource from Application.Current.Resources. If this fails,
// `otherwise` is returned.
public static T GetResource<T>(string resourceName, T otherwise)
// Force x:bind page bindings to update.
// e.g. XamlUtils.UpdateBindings(page);
public static void UpdateBindings(Page page)
// Initialize x:bind page bindings.
// e.g. XamlUtils.InitializeBindings(page);
public static void InitializeBindings(Page page)
public static void StopTrackingBindings(Page page)
// Returns a list of all children (and sub-children) of type T from the specified parent.
// e.g. var controls = XamlUtils.AllChildren<Control>(commandBar);
public static List<T> AllChildren<T>(DependencyObject parent) where T : DependencyObject
// Find the first ancestor of the control calling the extension that is of type T.
// e.g. var ancestor = child.FirstAncestor<Control>();
public static T FirstAncestor<T>() where T : DependencyObject
// Find the first child of the control calling the extension that is of type T.
// e.g. var child = parent.FirstChild<Control>();
public static T FirstChild<T>() where T : DependencyObject
// Return a list of all children of the calling control, regardless of type.
// e.g. List<DependencyObject> allChildren = parent.AllChildren();
public static List<DependencyObject> AllChildren()
// Returns the `ElementTheme` that corresponds with the calling `ApplicationTheme`.
// e.g. var et = appTheme.ToElementTheme();
public static ElementTheme ToElementTheme()
// Returns the `ApplicationTheme` that corresponds with the calling `ElementTheme`.
// e.g. var appTheme = et.ToApplicationTheme();
public static ApplicationTheme ToApplicationTheme()
// For the specified `DependencyProperty`, mark it as unset.
// e.g.
// var ham = new HamburgerMenu();
// ham.SetAsNotSet(NavAreaBackgroundProperty);
public static void SetAsNotSet(DependencyProperty dp)
// For the specified `DependencyProperty`, if it is unset, set it to the given value.
// e.g.
// var ham = new HamburgerMenu();
// ham.SetIfNotSet(NavAreaBackgroundProperty, Colors.Gainsboro.Darken(ColorUtils.Add._80p).ToSolidColorBrush());
public static void SetIfNotSet(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
- Home
- Getting Started
- Template 10 Templates
- Behaviors and Actions
- Bootstrapper
- Controls
- Converters
- Services
- Hints, tips and other documentation