A simple package manager for Ord with a html template engine. Provides scripts to test the packages in regtest mode.
- Node.js
- npm
- Ord
- Bitcoin Core
npm i
In one terminal run Bitcoind in regtest mode with:
npm run regtest
In another terminal initialize ord to run in regtest creating a wallet and funding it with:
npm run create
Inside the package.opm.json
file put the package name and the mainnet inscriptionId
of the package.
"SomePackage": "<inscriptionId>",
"SomeOtherPackage": "<inscriptionId>"
Download the package and inscribe them to regtest with.
npm run opm
This will create a new file regtest.json
with the package inscriptionIds
in your local regtest blockchain.
Inside the ./templates
folder create a template html file. This
uses the ./templates/template.js
to inject the recusive inscritionId
into the html file. This uses handlbar.js. The packages are injected into the html with the following syntax {{packageName}}
Run the following command to create the html file and inscribe it to regtest. The file will be created in the ./build
npm run generate
run the ord server in regtest mode with:
npm run server
Then open the browser to http://localhost:8080/
Getting more sats to inscribe with or to mine an inscription. It will default to 1 block unless more are specified. Mine 100 blocks with:
npm run mine 100
Inscribe a file to regtest with:
npm run inscribe <file>
- Make packages that have recursive dependencies example react
- Make work with mainnet
- Make compatible with OCM three.js and other libraries under that workflow
- Make GPT-4 library analysis tool for libraries to index what they do and what they are used for. Have it find orginal library documentation and link to it, come up with a percentage of how much the library is similar to the original library. Could also be useful for updates to libraries. This could live in its own seperate repo. With a github action.
- Index libraries that update to new versions by inscribing to the same sat as the original library.
- Create a global commandline tool to automate
file creation. - Make it so it will skip downloading if the package already exits in the lib folder.