The purpose of this project is to practice Rails acquired knowledge by building an app called SayIt Where a user can Sign in, share, read, like or comment Posts and follow users to see their posts in this timeline.
- Ruby on Rails 6
- HTML5/CSS3/Sass
- JQuery
- Postgres
- AWS S3
- Capybara
- RSpec
- Ruby needs to be installed to run the code, check here for further steps
You can find a live running version of this app on the following link: SayIt!
Clone the repo
Navigate to the root directory
Run bundle install to ensure all the needed gems are installed:
$ bundle install
Run Yarn Install
$ yarn install --check-files
Migrate the DB
$ rails db:migrate
Run Rails Server
$ rails server
Open localhost:3000 on a browser to get to the home page
Go to the Home Page and click on the Sign Up button
Fill up your information, name, email, password and confirmation are required.
The app will automatically sing you in. (If you already have signed up previously, Click on the Login link on the nav bar, and fill up your email and password.)
Once you're logged in the rest of the options appear,
On the right side of the page, you will see recommendations of users to follow, click on the follow button so you can start seeing his posts on your home screen.
To see your profile, click on the Profile Option in the NavBar, there, you will see your info, your posts and stats
You can change your profile pic by clicking on the button that appears when you hover your profile pic App, the cover is automatically generated
To create a Post, go to your home page, fill up the post information and press the button.
To comment on a Post, click on the comment icon below the post, fill up the comment field and press the button. You can display all the comments with the caret down button next to the comment counter.
To Like a post, click on the heart button below post. Click again to un-like it.
Newest posts will appear first
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
👤 Angel Cordova
- Github: @aecordova