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- use terra::mask to improve memory safety
- Putis.lonlat within isTRUE due to update in terra that returns NA instead of FALSE if no CRS
- add more detail to ReadME
- add documentation for curvature helper functions
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ailich committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 9ef2d93 commit 813ac85
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Showing 25 changed files with 411 additions and 66 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: MultiscaleDEM
Title: Calculates multi-scale geomorphometric terrain attributes from regularly gridded DEM/bathymetry rasters
Version: 0.2
Version: 0.2.1
person(given = "Alexander",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/AdjSD.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#' Calculates standard deviation of bathymetry (a measure of rugosity). Using a sliding rectangular window a plane is fit to the data and the standard deviation of the residuals is calculated.
#' @param r DEM as a SpatRaster or RasterLayer in a projected coordinate system where map units match elevation/depth units
#' @param w A vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions of the rectangular window to use where the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns. Window size must be an odd number.
#' @param na.rm A logical vector indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param na.rm A logical indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param include_scale logical indicating whether to append window size to the layer names (default = FALSE)
#' @return a SpatRaster or RasterLayer of adjusted rugosity
#' @import terra
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ AdjSD<- function(r, w=c(3,3), na.rm=FALSE, include_scale=FALSE){
stop("Error: Input raster must be one layer.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE)){
if(isTRUE(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE))){
stop("Error: Coordinate system is Lat/Lon. Coordinate system must be projected with elevation/depth units matching map units.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)){
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/RDMV.R
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#' Calculates Relative Difference from Mean Value (RDMV). RDMV = (focal_value - local_mean)/local_range
#' @param r DEM as a SpatRaster, RasterLayer, RasterStack, or RasterBrick
#' @param w A vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions of the rectangular window to use where the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns. Window size must be an odd number. Default is 3x3.
#' @param na.rm A logical vector indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param na.rm A logical indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param include_scale logical indicating whether to append window size to the layer names (default = FALSE)
#' @return a SpatRaster or RasterLayer
#' @import terra
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/SAPA.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SAPA<- function(r, w = 1, slope_correction=TRUE, include_scale=FALSE, slope_laye
stop("Error: Input raster must be one layer.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE)){
if(isTRUE(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE))){
stop("Error: Coordinate system is Lat/Lon. Coordinate system must be projected with elevation/depth units matching map units.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)){
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20 changes: 7 additions & 13 deletions R/SlpAsp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ SlpAsp <- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit="degrees", method="queen", metrics= c("slop
stop("Error: Input raster must be one layer.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE)){
if(isTRUE(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE))){
stop("Error: Coordinate system is Lat/Lon. Coordinate system must be projected with elevation/depth units matching map units.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,43 +171,37 @@ SlpAsp <- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit="degrees", method="queen", metrics= c("slop

if("slope" %in% needed_metrics){
slope.k<- (atan(sqrt((dz.dx^2)+(dz.dy^2))))
slp0_idx<- slope.k==0
if(unit=="degrees" & ("slope" %in% metrics)){
slope.k<- slope.k * (180/pi)

names(slope.k)<- "slope"
out<- c(out, slope.k, warn=FALSE)

if("aspect" %in% needed_metrics){
aspect.k<- terra::app(atan2(dz.dy, -dz.dx), fun = convert_aspect) #aspect relative to North
# aspect.k<- (pi/2) - atan2(dz.dy, -dz.dx) #aspect relative to North
# aspect.k[aspect.k < 0]<- aspect.k[aspect.k < 0] + (2*pi) #Constrain in range of 0 - 2 pi

if("eastness" %in% needed_metrics){
eastness.k<- sin(aspect.k)
eastness.k[slp0_idx]<- 0 #Set eastness to 0 where slope is zero
eastness.k<- terra::mask(eastness.k, mask= slope.k, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0) #Set eastness to 0 where slope is zero
names(eastness.k)<- "eastness"
out<- c(out, eastness.k, warn=FALSE)

if("northness" %in% needed_metrics){
northness.k<- cos(aspect.k)
northness.k[slp0_idx]<- 0 #Set northenss to 0 where slope is zero
northness.k<- terra::mask(northness.k, mask= slope.k, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0) #Set northenss to 0 where slope is zero
names(northness.k)<- "northness"
out<- c(out, northness.k, warn=FALSE)

aspect.k[slp0_idx]<- NA_real_ #Set aspect to undefined where slope is zero
aspect.k<- terra::mask(aspect.k, mask= slope.k, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = NA) #Set aspect to undefined where slope is zero
aspect.k<- aspect.k * (180/pi)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/SurfaceArea.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SurfaceArea<- function(r, expand=FALSE){
stop("Error: Input raster must be one layer.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE)){
if(isTRUE(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE))){
stop("Error: Coordinate system is Lat/Lon. Coordinate system must be projected with elevation/depth units matching map units.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)){
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/TPI.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#' Calculates Topographic Position Index (TPI). This is the value of the focal pixel minus the mean of the surrounding pixels (i.e. local mean but excluding the value of the focal pixel).
#' @param r DEM as a SpatRaster or RasterLayer
#' @param w A vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions of the rectangular window to use where the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns. Window size must be an odd number. Default is 3x3.
#' @param na.rm A logical vector indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param na.rm A logical indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param include_scale logical indicating whether to append window size to the layer names (default = FALSE)
#' @return a SpatRaster or RasterLayer
#' @import terra
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/VRM.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#' Implementation of the Sappington et al., (2007) vector ruggedness measure, modified from Evans (2021).
#' @param r DEM as a SpatRaster or RasterLayer
#' @param w A vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions of the rectangular window to use where the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns. Window size must be an odd number.
#' @param na.rm A logical vector indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param na.rm A logical indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations
#' @param include_scale logical indicating whether to append window size to the layer names (default = FALSE)
#' @return a RasterLayer
#' @import terra
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23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions R/WoodEvans.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ convert_aspect2<- function(aspect){
#' @param metrics Character vector specifying which terrain attributes to return. The default is to return all available metrics, c("qslope", "qaspect", "qeastness", "qnorthness", "profc", "planc", "meanc", "maxc", "minc", "longc", "crosc", "features"). Slope, aspect, eastness, and northness are preceded with a 'q' to differentiate them from the measures calculated by SlpAsp() where the 'q' indicates that a quadratic surface was used for the calculation. 'profc' is the profile curvature, 'planc' is the plan curvature, 'meanc' is the mean curvature, 'minc' is minimum curvature, 'longc' is longitudinal curvature, crosc is cross-sectional curvature, and 'features' are morphometric features. See details.
#' @param slope_tolerance Slope tolerance that defines a 'flat' surface (degrees; default = 1.0). Relevant for the features layer.
#' @param curvature_tolerance Curvature tolerance that defines 'planar' surface (default = 0.0001). Relevant for the features layer.
#' @param na.rm Logical vector indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations.
#' @param na.rm Logical indicating whether or not to remove NA values before calculations.
#' @param include_scale Logical indicating whether to append window size to the layer names (default = FALSE).
#' @param mask_aspect Logical. If TRUE (default), aspect will be set to NA and northness and eastness will be set to 0 when slope = 0. If FALSE, aspect is set to 270 degrees or 3*pi/2 radians ((-pi/2)- atan2(0,0)+2*pi) and northness and eastness will be calculated from this.
#' @param return_params Logical indicating whether to return Wood/Evans regression parameters (default = FALSE).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ WoodEvans<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("qslope", "qaspect
stop("Error: Input raster must be one layer.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE)){
if(isTRUE(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=FALSE))){
stop("Error: Coordinate system is Lat/Lon. Coordinate system must be projected with elevation/depth units matching map units.")
if(terra::is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ WoodEvans<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("qslope", "qaspect
needed_metrics<- c(needed_metrics, "qaspect")

if(mask_aspect & ("qaspect" %in% needed_metrics) & (!("qslope" %in% needed_metrics))){
needed_metrics<- c(needed_metrics, "qslope")

if("features" %in% needed_metrics){
if(!("qslope" %in% needed_metrics)){needed_metrics<- c(needed_metrics, "qslope")}
if(!("planc" %in% needed_metrics)){needed_metrics<- c(needed_metrics, "planc")}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,14 +168,13 @@ WoodEvans<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("qslope", "qaspect
if("qaspect" %in% needed_metrics){
asp<- terra::app(atan2(params$e,params$d), fun = convert_aspect2) #Shift aspect so north is zero
if (mask_aspect){
slp0_idx<- (params$d== 0 & params$e== 0) #mask indicating when d ane e are 0 (slope is 0)
asp[slp0_idx]<- NA_real_
asp<- terra::mask(asp, mask= slp, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = NA) #Set aspect to undefined where slope is zero

if("qeastness" %in% needed_metrics){
eastness<- sin(asp)
if (mask_aspect){
eastness[slp0_idx]<- 0
eastness<- terra::mask(eastness, mask= slp, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0) #Set eastness to 0 where slope is zero
names(eastness)<- "qeastness"
out<- c(out, eastness, warn=FALSE)
Expand All @@ -180,8 +183,8 @@ WoodEvans<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("qslope", "qaspect
if("qnorthness" %in% needed_metrics){
northness<- cos(asp)
if (mask_aspect){
northness[slp0_idx]<- 0
northness<- terra::mask(northness, mask= slp, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0) #Set northness to 0 where slope is zero
names(northness)<- "qnorthness"
out<- c(out, northness, warn=FALSE)
Expand All @@ -202,21 +205,21 @@ WoodEvans<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("qslope", "qaspect

if("profc" %in% needed_metrics){
profc<- terra::lapp(params, fun = kns)
profc[mask_raster]<- 0
profc<- terra::mask(profc, mask= mask_raster, maskvalues = 1, updatevalue = 0) #Set curvature to 0 where all values are the same
names(profc)<- "profc"
out<- c(out, profc, warn=FALSE)

if("planc" %in% needed_metrics){
planc<- terra::lapp(params, fun = knc)
planc[mask_raster]<- 0
planc<- terra::mask(planc, mask= mask_raster, maskvalues = 1, updatevalue = 0) #Set curvature to 0 where all values are the same
names(planc)<- "planc"
out<- c(out, planc, warn=FALSE)

if("twistc" %in% needed_metrics){
twistc<- terra::lapp(params, fun = tgc)
twistc[mask_raster]<- 0
twistc<- terra::mask(twistc, mask= mask_raster, maskvalues = 1, updatevalue = 0) #Set curvature to 0 where all values are the same
names(twistc)<- "twistc"
out<- c(out, twistc, warn=FALSE)
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111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions R/curvatures.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,150 @@
#' Calculate normal contour curvature
#' Calculate normal contour curvature (kn)c, which is the principal representative of the plan curvature group based on regression coefficients from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.
knc<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#Planc: Normal Contour Curvature
out<- -(2*a*(e^2) - 2*c*d*e + 2*b*d^2)/((d^2+e^2) * sqrt(1+d^2+e^2))

#' Calculate normal slope line curvature
#' Calculate normal slope line curvature (kn)s, which is the principal representative of the profile curvature group based on regression coefficients from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

kns<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#Profc: Normal Slope Line Curvature
out<- (-2 * (a*d^2 + b*e^2 + c*d*e)) / ((e^2 + d^2)*(1 + e^2 + d^2)^1.5)

#' Calculate contour geodesic torsion
#' Calculate contour geodesic torsion (tg)c, which is the principal representative of the twisting curvature group based on regression coefficients from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

tgc<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#TwistC: Contour geodesic torsion
out<- (d*e*(2*a-2*b) - c*(d^2-e^2))/((d^2+e^2)*(1+d^2+e^2))

#' Calculate mean curvature
#' Calculate mean curvature, kmean, from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

kmean<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#Mean Curvature
out<- -((1+e^2)*2*a - 2*c*d*e + (1+d^2)*2*b) / (2*sqrt((1+d^2+e^2)^3))

#' Calculate unsphericity curvature
#' Calculate unsphericity curvature, ku, from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

ku<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#unsphericity curvature
out<- sqrt((((1+e^2)*2*a - 2*c*d*e +(1+d^2)*2*b) / (2*sqrt((1+d^2+e^2)^3)))^2 - ((2*a*2*b-c^2)/(1+d^2+e^2)^2))

#' Calculate min curvature
#' Calculate min curvature, kmin, from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

kmin<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#Min Curvature
out<- kmean(a,b,c,d,e)-ku(a,b,c,d,e)

#' Calculate max curvature
#' Calculate max curvature, kmax, from the equation Z =ax^2+by^2+cxy+dx+e+f.
#' @param a regression coefficient
#' @param b regression coefficient
#' @param c regression coefficient
#' @param d regression coefficient
#' @param e regression coefficient
#' @param f regression intercept
#' @references
#' Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift f¨ur Geomorphologic Suppl-Bd 36, 274–295.
#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.
#' Minár, J., Evans, I.S., Jenčo, M., 2020. A comprehensive system of definitions of land surface (topographic) curvatures, with implications for their application in geoscience modelling and prediction. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103414.

kmax<- function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
#Max Curvature
out<- kmean(a,b,c,d,e)+ku(a,b,c,d,e)
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