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ailich committed Feb 8, 2022
1 parent 032cd8b commit c94570e
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Showing 11 changed files with 58 additions and 54 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: MultiscaleDEM
Title: Calculates multi-scale geomorphometric terrain attributes from regularly gridded DEM/bathymetry rasters
Version: 0.4
person(given = "Alexander",
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47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions R/Qfit.R
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#' Wood, J., 1996. The geomorphological characterisation of digital elevation models (Ph.D.). University of Leicester.

classify_features_ff<- function(slope_tolerance=1, curvature_tolerance=0.0001){
#1=PLANAR (If add slope redefine to FLAT?)
#7=SLOPE??? (add a new category?)
out_fun<- function(slope, planc, maxc, minc){
dplyr::case_when( ~ NA_real_,
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc > curvature_tolerance) ~ 5,
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 3,
slope > slope_tolerance ~ 1, #Maybe make this 7 (slope, new category)
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc > curvature_tolerance) ~ 6,
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 4,
maxc > curvature_tolerance ~ 5,
(minc < -curvature_tolerance) & (maxc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 2,
minc < -curvature_tolerance ~ 3,
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc > curvature_tolerance) ~ 6,
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 4,
slope > slope_tolerance ~ 2,
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc > curvature_tolerance) ~ 7,
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 5,
maxc > curvature_tolerance ~ 6,
(minc < -curvature_tolerance) & (maxc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ 3,
minc < -curvature_tolerance ~ 4,
TRUE ~ 1)}
Expand All @@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ convert_aspect2<- function(aspect){
#' @param params regression parameters for fitted surface
#' @param outlier_quantile vector of length 2 specifying the quantiles used for filtering outliers
#' @param wopt list with named options for writing files as in writeRaster

outlier_filter<- function(params, outlier_quantile){
outlier_filter<- function(params, outlier_quantile, wopt=list()){
quant <- terra::global(params, fun = quantile, probs = c(0, outlier_quantile[1], outlier_quantile[2], 1), na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- quant[, 3] - quant[, 2]
outliers <- row.names(quant)[which(quant[, 1] < (quant[, 2] - 100 * iqr) | quant[, 4] > (quant[, 3] + 100 * iqr))]
Expand All @@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ outlier_filter<- function(params, outlier_quantile){
for (i in 1:nlyr(params)) {
outlier_mask[[i]]<- ((params[[i]] >= iq_lims[i,1]) & (params[[i]] <= iq_lims[i,2])) #0 indicates an outlier
outlier_mask<- prod(outlier_mask) #product of zero indicates an outlier location
params<- terra::mask(params, mask = outlier_mask, maskvalues=0, updatevalue=NA)
outlier_mask<- terra::prod(outlier_mask, wopt=wopt) #product of zero indicates an outlier location
params<- terra::mask(params, mask = outlier_mask, maskvalues=0, updatevalue=NA, wopt=wopt)
warning("Outliers filtered")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ outlier_filter<- function(params, outlier_quantile){
#' To get only the regression coefficients, set "metrics=c()" and "return_params=TRUE"
#' reg_coefs<- Qfit(r, w = c(5,5), metrics=c(), unit = "degrees", na.rm = TRUE, return_params=TRUE)
#' plot(reg_coefs)
#' @details This function calculates slope, aspect, eastness, northness, profile curvature, plan curvature, mean curvature, twisting curvature, maximum curvature, minimum curvature, morphometric features, and a smoothed version of the elevation surface using a quadratic surface fit from Z = aX^2+bY^2+cXY+dX+eY+f, where Z is the elevation or depth values, X and Y are the xy coordinates relative to the central cell in the focal window, and a-f are parameters to be estimated (Evans, 1980; Minár et al. 2020; Wood, 1996). For aspect, 0 degrees represents north (or if rotated, the direction that increases as you go up rows in your data) and increases clockwise. For calculations of northness (cos(asp)) and eastness (sin(asp)), up in the y direction is assumed to be north, and if this is not true for your data (e.g. you are using a rotated coordinate system), you must adjust accordingly. All curvature formulas are adapted from Minár et al 2020. Therefore all curvatures are reported in units of 1/length and have are reported according to a geographic sign convention where convex is positive and concave is negative (i.e., hills are considered convex with positive curvature values). Naming convention for curvatures is not consistent across the literature, however Minár et al (2020) has suggested a framework in which the reported measures of curvature translate to profile curvature = (kn)s, plan curvature = (kn)c, twisting curvature (τg)c, mean curvature = kmean, maximum curvature = kmax, minimum curvature = kmin. For morphometric features cross-sectional curvature (zcc) was replaced by planc (kn)c, z''min was replaced by kmax, and z''max was replaced by kmin as these are more robust ways to measures the same types of curvature (Minár et al., 2020).
#' @details This function calculates slope, aspect, eastness, northness, profile curvature, plan curvature, mean curvature, twisting curvature, maximum curvature, minimum curvature, morphometric features, and a smoothed version of the elevation surface using a quadratic surface fit from Z = aX^2+bY^2+cXY+dX+eY+f, where Z is the elevation or depth values, X and Y are the xy coordinates relative to the central cell in the focal window, and a-f are parameters to be estimated (Evans, 1980; Minár et al. 2020; Wood, 1996). For aspect, 0 degrees represents north (or if rotated, the direction that increases as you go up rows in your data) and increases clockwise. For calculations of northness (cos(asp)) and eastness (sin(asp)), up in the y direction is assumed to be north, and if this is not true for your data (e.g. you are using a rotated coordinate system), you must adjust accordingly. All curvature formulas are adapted from Minár et al 2020. Therefore all curvatures are reported in units of 1/length and have are reported according to a geographic sign convention where convex is positive and concave is negative (i.e., hills are considered convex with positive curvature values). Naming convention for curvatures is not consistent across the literature, however Minár et al (2020) has suggested a framework in which the reported measures of curvature translate to profile curvature = (kn)s, plan curvature = (kn)c, twisting curvature (τg)c, mean curvature = kmean, maximum curvature = kmax, minimum curvature = kmin. For morphometric features cross-sectional curvature (zcc) was replaced by planc (kn)c, z''min was replaced by kmax, and z''max was replaced by kmin as these are more robust ways to measures the same types of curvature (Minár et al., 2020). Additionally, the planar feature from Wood (1996) was split into planar flat and slope depending on whether the slope threshold is exceeded or not.
#' @import terra
#' @importFrom raster raster
#' @importFrom raster stack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ Qfit<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("elev", "qslope", "qasp
params<- terra::focalCpp(r, w=w, fun = C_Qfit2, X_full= X, na_rm=na.rm, fillvalue=NA, wopt=wopt)
params <- outlier_filter(params, outlier_quantile)
params <- outlier_filter(params, outlier_quantile, wopt=wopt)
} else{
params<- terra::focalCpp(r, w=w, fun = C_Qfit1, X_full= X, na_rm=na.rm, fillvalue=NA, wopt=wopt)
Expand All @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ Qfit<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("elev", "qslope", "qasp

#Use regression parameters to calculate slope and aspect
if("qslope" %in% needed_metrics){
slp<- atan(sqrt(params$d^2 + params$e^2))
slp<- terra::math(terra::math(params$d^2 + params$e^2, fun="sqrt", wopt=wopt), fun="atan", wopt=wopt)
slp<- slp*(180/pi)
} else{
Expand All @@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ Qfit<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("elev", "qslope", "qasp

if("qaspect" %in% needed_metrics){
asp<- terra::app(atan2(params$e,params$d), fun = convert_aspect2, wopt=wopt) #Shift aspect so north is zero
asp<- terra::app(terra::atan_2(params$e,params$d, wopt=wopt), fun = convert_aspect2, wopt=wopt) #Shift aspect so north is zero
if (mask_aspect){
asp<- terra::mask(asp, mask= slp, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = NA, wopt=wopt) #Set aspect to undefined where slope is zero
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ Qfit<- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit= "degrees", metrics= c("elev", "qslope", "qasp
if("features" %in% needed_metrics){
classify_features<- classify_features_ff(slope_tolerance, curvature_tolerance) #Define classification function based on slope and curvature tolerance
features<- terra::lapp(c(slp, planc, maxc, minc), fun = classify_features, wopt=wopt)
levels(features)<- data.frame(ID=1:6, features = c("Planar", "Pit", "Channel", "Pass", "Ridge", "Peak"))
levels(features)<- data.frame(ID=1:7, features = c("Planar_Flat","Planar_Slope", "Pit", "Channel", "Pass", "Ridge", "Peak"))
names(features)<- "features"
out<- c(out, features, warn=FALSE)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/SAPA.R
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Expand Up @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ SAPA<- function(r, w = 1, slope_correction=TRUE, include_scale=FALSE, slope_laye
is_native<- TRUE} else{
is_native<- FALSE} #Indicate whether SAPA is calculated at native scale

x_res<- terra::res(r)[1]
y_res<- terra::res(r)[2]
x_res<- terra::xres(r)
y_res<- terra::yres(r)

SA<- SurfaceArea(r, wopt=wopt)

Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ SAPA<- function(r, w = 1, slope_correction=TRUE, include_scale=FALSE, slope_laye
PA<- (x_res*w[2]) * (y_res*w[1])
if(slope_correction){PA<- PA/cos(slope_layer)}#Planar area corrected for slope
if(slope_correction){PA<- PA/terra::math(slope_layer, fun="cos", wopt=wopt)}#Planar area corrected for slope

sapa<- SA/PA
names(sapa)<- "sapa"
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions R/SlpAsp.R
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Expand Up @@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ SlpAsp <- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit="degrees", method="queen", metrics= c("slop
dz.dy.b <- terra::focal(r, yb.mat, fun=sum, na.rm=FALSE, wopt=wopt)

#calculate dz/dx and dz/dy using the components. 2*j is the run: (2 sides)*(length of each side)
dz.dx <- (dz.dx.r-dz.dx.l)/(2*jx*terra::res(r)[1])
dz.dy <- (dz.dy.b-dz.dy.t)/(2*jy*terra::res(r)[2])
dz.dx <- (dz.dx.r-dz.dx.l)/(2*jx*terra::xres(r))
dz.dy <- (dz.dy.b-dz.dy.t)/(2*jy*terra::yres(r))

out<- terra::rast() #initialize output

if("slope" %in% needed_metrics){
slope.k<- (atan(sqrt((dz.dx^2)+(dz.dy^2))))
slope.k<- terra::math(terra::math(dz.dx^2 + dz.dy^2, fun= "sqrt", wopt=wopt), fun= "atan", wopt=wopt)
if(unit=="degrees" & ("slope" %in% metrics)){
slope.k<- slope.k * (180/pi)
Expand All @@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ SlpAsp <- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit="degrees", method="queen", metrics= c("slop

if("aspect" %in% needed_metrics){
aspect.k<- terra::app(atan2(dz.dy, -dz.dx), fun = convert_aspect, wopt=wopt) #aspect relative to North
aspect.k<- terra::app(terra::atan_2(dz.dy, -dz.dx, wopt=wopt), fun = convert_aspect, wopt=wopt) #aspect relative to North

if("eastness" %in% needed_metrics){
eastness.k<- sin(aspect.k)
eastness.k<- terra::math(aspect.k, fun="sin", wopt=wopt)
eastness.k<- terra::mask(eastness.k, mask= slope.k, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0, wopt=wopt) #Set eastness to 0 where slope is zero
Expand All @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ SlpAsp <- function(r, w=c(3,3), unit="degrees", method="queen", metrics= c("slop

if("northness" %in% needed_metrics){
northness.k<- cos(aspect.k)
northness.k<- terra::math(aspect.k, fun="cos", wopt=wopt)
northness.k<- terra::mask(northness.k, mask= slope.k, maskvalues = 0, updatevalue = 0, wopt=wopt) #Set northenss to 0 where slope is zero
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions R/VRM.R
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Expand Up @@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ VRM<- function(r, w, na.rm = FALSE, include_scale=FALSE, filename=NULL, overwrit
stop("Error: w must be greater or equal to 3 in at least one dimension")
sa <- terra::terrain(r, v=c("slope", "aspect"), unit="radians", neighbors=8, wopt=wopt)
sin.slp <- sin(sa$slope) # xyRaster
cos.slp <- cos(sa$slope) # zRaster
sin.asp <- sin(sa$aspect) * sin.slp # yRaster
cos.asp <- cos(sa$aspect) * sin.slp # xRaster
sin.slp <- terra::math(sa$slope, fun="sin", wopt=wopt) # xyRaster
cos.slp <- terra::math(sa$slope, fun="cos", wopt=wopt) # zRaster
sin.asp <- terra::math(sa$aspect, fun="sin", wopt=wopt) * sin.slp # yRaster
cos.asp <- terra::math(sa$aspect, fun="cos", wopt=wopt) * sin.slp # xRaster
x.sum <- terra::focal(sin.asp, w = w, fun=sum, na.rm=na.rm, wopt=wopt)
y.sum <- terra::focal(cos.asp, w = w, fun=sum, na.rm=na.rm, wopt=wopt)
z.sum <- terra::focal(cos.slp, w = w, fun=sum, na.rm=na.rm, wopt=wopt)
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions README.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ output:
# MultiscaleDEM



Expand All @@ -29,9 +27,9 @@ This package calculates multi-scale geomorphometric terrain attributes from regu
## Install and Load Package
If you don't already have remotes installed, use the code `install.packages("remotes")`

Then to install this package use the code `remotes::install_github("ailich/MultiscaleDEM")` (you may need to install Rtools using the instructions found [here](
Then to install this package use the code `remotes::install_github("ailich/MultiscaleDEM")` (If you are using Windows, you may need to install Rtools using the instructions found [here](

This package relies on the `terra` package for handling of spatial raster data. To install the development version of `terra`, use `install.packages('terra', repos='')`. This package is also backwards compatible with the `raster` package. To install the development version of `raster` use `install.packages('raster', repos='')`
This package relies on the `terra` package for handling of spatial raster data. The CRAN version of `terra` may not have all necessary functions, so it is recommended to install the development version of `terra`. The easiest way to install the development version of `terra` on Windows or Mac is to use `install.packages('terra', repos='')`. For Linux, use `remotes::install_github("rspatial/terra")`. This package is also backwards compatible with the `raster` package. To install the development version of `raster` use `install.packages('raster', repos='')` on Windows or Mac or `remotes::install_github("rspatial/raster")` on Linux.

## Main Functions

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21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions
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@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
Alexander Ilich
January 30, 2022
February 08, 2022

# MultiscaleDEM



Please cite as
Expand All @@ -26,16 +24,21 @@ If you don’t already have remotes installed, use the code

Then to install this package use the code
`remotes::install_github("ailich/MultiscaleDEM")` (you may need to
install Rtools using the instructions found
`remotes::install_github("ailich/MultiscaleDEM")` (If you are using
Windows, you may need to install Rtools using the instructions found

This package relies on the `terra` package for handling of spatial
raster data. To install the development version of `terra`, use
raster data. The CRAN version of `terra` may not have all necessary
functions, so it is recommended to install the development version of
`terra`. The easiest way to install the development version of `terra`
on Windows or Mac is to use
`install.packages('terra', repos='')`.
This package is also backwards compatible with the `raster` package. To
install the development version of `raster` use
`install.packages('raster', repos='')`
For Linux, use `remotes::install_github("rspatial/terra")`. This package
is also backwards compatible with the `raster` package. To install the
development version of `raster` use
`install.packages('raster', repos='')` on
Windows or Mac or `remotes::install_github("rspatial/raster")` on Linux.

## Main Functions

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Binary file modified README_files/figure-gfm/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions inst/Terrain_Attributes_Explorer_App/app.R
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Expand Up @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ classify_features2<- function(slope, planc, maxc, minc) {
dplyr::case_when( ~ NA_character_,
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc > curvature_tolerance) ~ "Ridge",
(slope > slope_tolerance) & (planc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ "Channel",
slope > slope_tolerance ~ "Planar", #Maybe make this 7 (slope, new category)
slope > slope_tolerance ~ "Planar Slope",
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc > curvature_tolerance) ~ "Peak",
(maxc > curvature_tolerance) & (minc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ "Pass",
maxc > curvature_tolerance ~ "Ridge",
(minc < -curvature_tolerance) & (maxc < -curvature_tolerance) ~ "Pit",
minc < -curvature_tolerance ~ "Channel",
TRUE ~ "Planar")
TRUE ~ "Planar Flat")

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