Telegram bot for sending to a subscriber predefined learning information on a daily basis.
All learning information is a course. Each course consists of daily periods and each period has materials. The material has a time of publication inside a day and set of items for publication. Each item might be a Markdown text, image or video.
The bot configuration consists of JSON file with the name config.json
and possible image(s) and video(s) files.
has structure
"periods": [ ]
Here an array of periods defines a course. Each period has a structure
"materials": [ ]
And a material looks like
"time": "19:30:00",
"items": [ ]
Individual items might be a text
{ "text": "Some **Markdown** text with emoji \uD83D\uDE09" }
an image
{ "image": "URL to image file" }
and a video
{ "video": "URL to video file" }
Typical course file structure looks like
| |____video
| | |____video_1.mp4
| | |____video_2.mp4
| |____image
| | |____image_1.png
| | |____image_2.png
| | |____image_3.png
| |____config.json
How to build
./gradlew build
or build without tests
./gradlew build -x test
How to create Docker image
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t guru-bot .
Make label
docker tag guru-bot:latest akryvtsun/guru-bot:latest
Docker Hub push
docker push akryvtsun/guru-bot:latest
Environment variables:
BOT_TOKEN = <Telegram API developer token>
BOT_DEBUG = true/false
Running Docker container (don't do this on Apple Silicon)
docker run -d --name guru-bot-container \
-e BOT_TOKEN="bot token" \
-e BOT_DEBUG="true" \
-v <path to 'course' folder on a host computer>:/use/local/guru-bot/course \