This project was created as a task from Ithmar Solutions. The PDF specifying the objectives can be found in the project.
Main Objectives
1- Calculate ideal intake of water per day
2- Set daily goals for the user
3- Keep track of daily progress
Extra Features
1- Added a forgot password feature
2- Keep record of user's data after logging out
3- Add different values of water cups based on standard sizes
Problems Faced
1- Adding notifications for reminders as iOS needed an Apple Developer Program subscription 2- BMI is not correctly calculated 3- dailyConsumption does not get updated on user switch
Project Heirarchy
1- src: main directory for the working files
2- redux: a directory for redux-related files (slice and store)
3- Screens: a directory for all the screens in the app
4- App.js: main navigation controller
5- Colors.js: main colors used in the project
6- components: a directory for all custom made components in the app