07569a7 Added support to enable contentSynchronisation for github issue 76. Please note only enabled flag of the JSON is added as of now.
ec96e22 Added two links to docs of the new datasources.
dedfd62 Fix certificate tests
6209d52 Fix up docs and trigger action
72086af Fixup go.mod
9d024b0 Merge pull request #65 from volkc-basf/master
b4b4932 Merge pull request #66 from aspectcapital/issue64
ddcbc51 Merge pull request #74 from bendrucker/add-api-key
4225b26 Merge pull request #77 from AshutoshNirkhe/contentSynchronisationEnabled
26f51c3 add resource: api_key
ced27f4 added a second datasource that can be used to access file infos only
c9761ff added docs for artifactory_file & artifactory_fileinfo
3c21e86 code format
0ca7f19 dataSources don't need to implement Create, Update and Delete functions. Importer is also not needed
b0dfd46 datasource artifactory_file added
f2a8f01 fix checking of destroyed api keys
398f588 fixing code format using gofmt
51a2b10 go-artifactory lib: switched to v2.5
862b2f2 noissue: Dummy commit to trigger actions
4d4999d refactoring
29c8eeb stick to naming conventions for datasources that are used by other providers