A Pacman-inspired game built using JavaScript.
Collect all the dots in the maze while avoiding the four ghosts. Collecting a larger pellet will make the ghosts 'scared' for a few moments, so eat them fast!
- Press any key to start
- Use the arrow keys to control Circle-Guy's movements
- Vanilla JavaScript
The game is built from scratch, without the aid of external libraries like jQuery or Canvas.
The board is made up of a grid of tiles, each with a specific property set to true (ie this.pacman = true). Typically each frame update would re-render the entire board. To avoid this, the changes in movement of the ghosts and of pacman are saved and sent to a 'render differences' function.
renderDifferences(pacmanDifferences, ghostDifferences){
pacmanDifferences.forEach( (coord, i) => {
let xCoord = coord[0];
let yCoord = coord[1];
let className = create_coord_class_string(xCoord, yCoord);
document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0].outerHTML = this.tileMap[yCoord][xCoord].getHTML();
ghostDifferences.forEach( (coord, i) => {
let xCoord = coord[0];
let yCoord = coord[1];
let className = create_coord_class_string(xCoord, yCoord);
document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0].outerHTML = this.tileMap[yCoord][xCoord].getHTML();
There are 4 ghosts, each with it's own personality.
Red Ghost: heads directly for Circle Guy Pink Ghost: heads to where Circle Guy is headed Orange Ghost: runs away from Circle Guy Blue Ghost: moves randomly
By default, each ghost moves 'constructively' (in line with their personality) 80% of the time.
let randomValue = Math.random();
if (randomValue < constructivePercent){
ghostDirection = this.randomElement(constructiveMoves);
} else {
ghostDirection = this.randomElement(nonConstructiveMoves);
let dx = dxdyMoves[ghostDirection][0];
let dy = dxdyMoves[ghostDirection][1];
let newXCoord = ghostXCoord + dx;
let newYCoord = ghostYCoord + dy;