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Changes in version 2

Bernardo Damele A. G. edited this page Apr 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

Changes to unix-privesc-check in Version 2

The version 2.0 onwards contain a completely new codebase for unix-privesc-check.

It is modular and coded much more cleanly. It contains a significant number of checks that were not present in v1 of the codebase.

Which version should I use?

Until version 2 has been debugged and stabilised, you should probably use both versions.

Version 2 will perform some extra checks. It is also more regularly maintained.

Version 1 contains some checks that have not been ported across. It is more mature and stable.

Comparison of Features

UPCv1 ID UPCv2 Check Name UPCv1 Description of Check Comment
UPC001 privileged_writable, group_writable, world_writable (partially) $O_MESSAGE_STACK The user $O_FILE_USER can write to $O_FILE we need to add to lib/misc/privileges xinetd
UPC002 privileged_writable, group_writable, world_writable (partially) $O_MESSAGE_STACK The group $O_FILE_GROUP can write to $O_FILE we need to add to lib/misc/privileges xinetd
UPC003 privileged_writable, world_writable and others (partially) $O_MESSAGE_STACK World write is set for $O_FILE (but sticky bit set) we need to add to lib/misc/privileges xinetd
UPC004 privileged_writable, group_writable, world_writable (partially) $O_MESSAGE_STACK World write is set for $O_FILE we need to add to lib/misc/privileges xinetd
UPC005 credentials, homedirs_executable, homedirs_writable, jar, key_material, system_configuration $O_MESSAGE_STACK The user $O_FILE_USER can read $O_FILE
UPC006 credentials, homedirs_executable, homedirs_writable, jar, key_material, system_configuration $O_MESSAGE_STACK The group $O_FILE_GROUP can read $O_FILE
UPC007 credentials, homedirs_executable, homedirs_writable, jar, key_material, system_configuration $O_MESSAGE_STACK World read is set for $O_FILE
UPC008 passwd_hashes /etc/passwd allows external authentcation
UPC009 nis_authentication NIS is used for authentication on this system
UPC010 ldap_authentication LDAP is used for authentication on this system
UPC011 nis_authentication NIS is used for authentication on this system
UPC012 ldap_authentication LDAP is used for authentication on this system
UPC013 passwd_hashes There seem to be some password hashes in /etc/passwd
UPC014 passwd_hashes The following accounts have no password
UPC015 shadow_hashes User $USER doesn't have a password
UPC016 shadow_hashes User $USER doesn't have a password
UPC017 sudo Sudo is configured. Manually check nothing unsafe is allowed
UPC018 sudo Some users can use sudo without a password
UPC019 postgresql_trust Postgres trust configured in $DIR/pg_hba.conf $LINE
UPC020 postgresql_connection Can connect to local postgres database as "postgres" without a password
UPC021 postgresql_connection Can connect to local postgres database as "pgsql" without a password
UPC022 devices_options This system is an NFS client. Check for nosuid and nodev options.
UPC023 setuid, setgid, privileged** SetUID/SetGID shell script, may be vulnerable to race attacks**
UPC024 credentials Cleartext subversion passsword file $FILE
UPC025 ssh_agent, ssh_key Encrypted private SSH key found in $KEY
UPC026 ssh_agent, ssh_key Unencrypted private SSH key found in $KEY
UPC027 credentials Public SSH Key Found in $HOMEDIR/.ssh/authorized_keys We only list identified authorized_keys file, do not parse its content
UPC028 ssh_agent There are SSH agents running on this system
UPC029 ssh_agent SSH Agent has keys loaded [SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK]
UPC030 gpg_agent There are GPG agents running on this system
UPC031 system_nx No NX
UPC032 system_nx No NX logging
UPC033 system_nx Auditing not enabled
UPC034 system_nx No NX
UPC035 system_nx NX set to logging only
UPC036 system_aslr No ASLR
UPC037 system_aslr Conservative ASLR
UPC038 system_mmap mmap allows map to 0
UPC039 system_selinux SELinux does not enforce
UPC040 privileged_nx, system_nx NX not enabled
UPC041 privileged_ssp SSP not enabled
UPC042 privileged_ssp SSP not enabled
UPC043 TODO fscaps shell script, may be vulnerable to race attacks
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