Source code of the website, a prediction exchange platform.
The website features a social infrastructure: user profiles, following/followed, custom timeline, social login and sharing. User generated content are predictions (called "insights"), they have categories, tags, comments. The website has administration tools.
Built using version 1 of the Play! Framework with a MySQL database.
Cyril Dorsaz [email protected] Guillaume Wolf [email protected] Jean-Baptiste Claramonte [email protected] Steren Giannini [email protected]
Visual design by Colorz
(c) All right reserved.
For your first run, you will need to create a new database structure or import an existing one. To create it, set jpa.ddl
to create
We have issues running with the mem
of db
databases. Prefer using a MySQL database running on your machine: Create a MySQL database named beansight
with a user named beansight
and password beansight
At first startup, the database tables need to be created. To do this, edit application.conf
and replace jpa.ddl=none
with jpa.ddl=create
, then launch the Play! app by typing play run
If for testing purposes, you need to emulate an Heroku config options, use env viriables, i.e. something like $ export CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL=mysql://******
Make sure the following Heroku options are set in your app config (heroku config
CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL: mysql://****** PLAY_OPTS: --%prod -Dprecompiled=true