A dropwizard-based server displaying number of Pull Request Comments performed by an organization's GitHub users.
Can be used to identify and celebrate top reviewers:
Counts all recent in-code comments on organization's opened and closed Pull Requests, excluding comments on one's own Pull Requests. Queries GitHub API every X minutes and displays the result.
Some of the tests require a github user to activate the API, so you'll need to supply credentials:
./gradlew clean build -Dusername=<a github user> -Dpassword='<her password>'
Alternatively, you can build without tests:
./gradlew clean build -x test
Both options will create a fat jar ready to run under leaderboard-server/build/libs/
Create a yml file with the following configuration:
username: my-user # change these to any valid github credentials
password: my-pass
organization: my-org # organization to show stats for
refreshRateMinutes: 10 # interval between API activations
You're now ready to run the server:
java -jar <path to fat jar> server <path to yml file>
You should be able to see the results at http://localhost:8080/