Hey, I am a coder with lots of ideas (and not a lot of time).
Here on github is where I store my code, hope you can find something interesting here.
You can find more at my blog
My blog - Find it at www.isageek.com.br
Javaflame - Simple and easy flame graph for java. No servers or open connections, just plug the agent and get the results in a html.(Java, HTML, CSS, JS)
Botecko - A client for OpenAI gpt (for now) that simulates character on a instant messenger.(Typescript, React, MaterialUI, OpenAI API, GPT4)
Botline - A Telegram bot that can run commands.(Python, Telegram, ChatBot)
AutomataCraft - A minecraft mod. Use blocks to code a cellular automaton inside minecraft. See it in action here(Java, Minecraft)
OneClickStableDifusionAutomatic1111Colab - A colab notebook to run Automatic1111 stable diffusion web ui (with a nice Readme)(Python notebook, Colab)
SlidePuzzle - A godot library for puzzles, optimized for smartphones. Play the demo/tutorial(Godot, GDScript)
ClojureCalc - A libreoffice Calc Add-In to evaluate clojure expressions.(Java)
Lightpoint - A template for simple slide presentations in a single html file.(HTML,JS)
WebGrude - A java library for mapping a html to a java class through annotations with css selectors.(Java)
Discraft - Discord minecraft bot. It sends mesages from the game to discord and back. It also runs minecraft commands and updates the server.(Python, Discord)
Memory sort game - A game that tries to show how a computer sees data.(HTML, JS)
SimplifiedNotebookForJukeboxAIOnColab - Simplified Notebook For Jukebox AI On Colab :) .(Python Notebook, Colab)
Ortasks - Quickly and informally order tasks (also an experiment with neomorphism)(HTML, JS)
TileMapPathFinder - A* implementation for godot. Play with it.(Godot, GDScript)
PILutils - Command line for some image utilities.(Python, PIL)
SimpleGithubBlog - Template for blogs using jekyll and github pages.(HTML, CSS, Jekyll)
PdfPassSimpleFinder - Simple pdf password bruteforce crack writen on scala.(Scala)
jsstd - A tool for running js code from concatenated stdin and parameters.(JS)
Jackpoth6 - Reimpementation of Jackpot5 raffling app.(HTML, JS)
123d_viewer - Importing an scene from 123d catch to threejs (123d does not exist anymore :( but you can see something here).(JS)
KochSnowflakeIslandGenerator - Coastline fractal using the koch snowflake.(HTML, JS)
React-plugs - A library for pluggable components using react and rxjs here is a demo.(Typescript, React, RxJS)
Jastic - Java library for static page generation with a nice syntax based on static imports and custom types.(Java)
AuthTools - A browser extension to analyse oauth2 calls.(JS, Browser Extension)
URISchemeHandler - A Java library to add and use URI scheme handlers registered with the OS.(Java)
InternationalSuperStarSoccerDeluxePasswordGenerator - Reverse engineering of the SNES game password system
mind-hackers - Testing if gpt3 was able to run a text adventure game in a controled environment (it wasn't great)(Typescript, React, MaterialUI, OpenAI API, GPT3)
MovingCaesar - Caesar encription, but position dependent.(HTML, JS)
artigo.aspdocx - PT_BR Gerador de lero lero com scroll infinito.(HTML, JS)
Sued - PT_BR Recriando o programa Sued dos anos 90.(HTML, JS)
SliceWars - A board game based on dice wars (This was a flash game similar to risk)(Java)
Afiman - Command line tool to manipulate files using a stack of commands.(Rust)
Difestavel - Ui for stable diffusion that does not use Gradio.(Python)
RsaPlayground - Interactive demo showing how Rsa works.(HTML, JS)
SinuquinhaVR - A poll game in VR made with godot, see a video of the game running(Godot, GDScript, VR)
WordEntropy - A game designed to show how entropy works.(HTML, JS)
Filterious - Flow based image editor.(Kotlin, Android)
Bitcable - A channel for communication paid by computation time. A distributed network of servers that exchange discoverability and persistence for computation time.(Rust)
Greement - A board game where the rules are chosen by voting and bribing is allowed.(ELM)
Cangatoo - HTML5 canvas game editor like game maker. (11 years ago)(HTML, JS)
Empiresmmo - A browser game, cross between age of empires, tower defense and tribal wars. (Last commit 13 years ago, but I will finish it someday)(Java)
Pathboardgame - This is an applet...(Last commit 13 years ago, maybe I will ask gpt to try porting this )(Java)
And many other useless stuff.