Vue.js + Node.js Express + MySQL: CRUD example on same server/port For more detail, please visit: How to serve/combine Vue App with Express Vue.js CRUD App with Vue Router & Axios Build Node.js Rest APIs with Express, Sequelize & MySQL More Practice: Vue Pagination with Axios and API example Server side Pagination in Node.js with Sequelize and MySQL Deploying/Hosting Node.js app on Heroku with MySQL database Associations: Sequelize Associations: One-to-Many Relationship example Sequelize Associations: Many-to-Many Relationship example Fullstack with Node.js Express: Vue.js + Node.js Express + MySQL Vue.js + Node.js Express + PostgreSQL Vue.js + Node.js Express + MongoDB Fullstack with Spring Boot: Vue.js + Spring Boot Vue.js + Spring Boot + MongoDB Fullstack with Django: Vue.js + Django Serverless with Firebase: Vue Firebase Realtime Database: CRUD example Vue Firestore CRUD example Project setup npm install Run node server.js