A full-stack web application, created with:
- Server Side: Ruby on Rails
- Client Side: JavaScript React
Created by Devin Davis and Bree Warren, BioInfinite serves as an interactive learning tool that allows a user to gain knowledge in several subjects in the scope of Biology.
- A Category has many SubCategories
- A SubCategory belongs to a Category
- Name
- Password
- Image
- Name
- Image
- Introduction
- Name
- Description
- CategoryID (Foreign Key)
- App - SignIn
- App - SignUp
- App - MainContainer
- MainContainer - SearchBar
- MainContainer - NavBar - UserShowPanel
- MainContainer - Carousel - Category
- MainContainer - TopicShowPage - SubCategoryShowPage
- TopicShowPage - TopicShowPageNavBar - UserShowPanel
- User Model with full CRUD Functionality
- User Login & Authentication with Token
- User Validations and Authorization
- Carousel Feature with Dynamic Rendering
- Navigation Bar with:
- Profile Panel, Logout, & Search Bar to narrow topics
- Avatar selection and User info on profile panel
- Profile Panel, Logout, & Search Bar to narrow topics
- Show page for each panel
- Navbar, dynamically rendered header, icons, and lesson for each topic split into subtopics
- Implementing JWT Authorization upon User login
- Passing state through props
- Accessing/changing deeply nested components
- Add more lessons to database (everything is rendered dynamically to support growth)
- Add quiz feature at end of each lesson, record User scores
- Add visuals to topic show pages such as diagrams and interactive learning tools
- Popout Avatar selection feature
- Homepage & Login Aesthetic
- Accordion Feature for SubCategories