A minesweeper clone made using Java and JavaFX for the UI
*July 3rd, 2017 Added some more issues/enhancements that can serve to both drive the project forward, and keep on learning JavaFX and more Java.
*July 4th, 2017 Decided to place the calculation of the bomb number around a cell inside the controller. It knows the grid, it can iterate trough each neighbour and check if it has a bomb or not. Maybe a method in gameGrid to get a cell at a specified position will be useful... Can also add an extra field to a cell: uncovered. A boolean. When the number of cells with uncovered==true is equal to the total game grid size - NUM_OF_MINES the game ends :)
*July 10th, 2017 Dialog box on losing now closes, but game context not destroyed properly...to do soon!
*July 13th, 2017 GameBoard class to manage the game has been created. It will allow a global "overview" on the state of each cell, which will allow to keep a counter to detect if the game has or has not been won. Each cell can not only know about itself or else the global game state will be impossible to keep track of. A game board is composed of StackedGameCells, and as such, each StackedGameCell individually will know the gameBoard class.
*July 15th, 2017 Released first alpha version. Will soon add more features to keep on working on this!