npm i
bundle i
sudo service postgresql start
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE DATABASE cardeons_backend_development;
CREATE DATABASE cardeons_backend_test;
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed cards=cards
rails db:seed users=users
We are using foreman to start redis/sidekiq and puma in one shell:
gem install foreman
You need to install redis before you can use the dev env:
sudo apt install redis-server
foreman start -f
add master as remote
git remote add dokku ssh://[email protected]:5412/cardeon
add develop as remote
git remote add dokku-develop ssh://[email protected]:5412/cardeon-develop
Code gets pushed automatically as soon as you push to the master in the corresponding repo.
if in any case you need to push manuallyuse:
gem install dokku-cli
git push dokku YOUR_BRANCH_TO_PUSH:master
git push dokku-develop YOUR_BRANCH_TO_PUSH:master
if in any case you need to run commands on dokku:
dokku run rails db:migrate
dokku run rails db:migrate --remote=dokku-develop
reset db/set temp env variables: pls never do this on our production server
env variablen setzen::
dokku config:set MY_ENV="myvalue"
dokku config:set MY_ENV="myvalue" --remote=dokku-develop
A private key is needed for deploying!
Happy Coding😘👩💻
rspec -> runs all tests
yes its cardeon not cardeons :(