A thing for providing YouTube revenue reports for clients with the following features:
- Parses csv data, processing and storing the parsed report data
- Allows admin control over, and generation of per-client reports
- Allows admin approval of individual client reports, which, upon approval,
- sends off an email to any registered client that has been given the same id as found in the report, informing them that their report is available
- makes that report available for download at the client's account page
- CRUD facilities for accounts are available only to the admin
- Built on a JSON api
- Server - Hapi
- DB - Azure table storage
- UI - React --
- Csv parsing - Babyparse
- Mailing - Mailgun
- Authentication - Hapi-auth-cookie
You will need either: a) a credentials.json file of the same form as credentials.example.json in api b) enviroment variables as outlined in config.js in api.
git clone
cd wood_chipper
npm install
// -- 1st terminal
//-- 2nd terminal
node app.js
npm test
Note: Azure table storage currently has a bug with 'createTableIfNotExists'. You can either ignore it (and the create table tests will fail), or you can go to node_modules/azure-storage/lib/services/table/tableservice
and add the following line at 673:
created = false;
if(!createResponse) createResponse = {}; <--- add this line
createResponse.isSuccessful = true;