A simple framework to jump start web ui testing using Selenium Webdriver and the Pytest Page Object testing framework
When developing test scripts it is recommended to run test cases in an IDE that has pytest integration such as PyCharm.
Requires Anaconda/Minconda to be installed and added to PATH.
Simply navigate to the project build folder and run build_run.sh,
cd [YOUR_PATH]/project_path/build
Miniconda3 was used to manage this suite's environment. Be free to use your preferred method.
The pytest_env.yml is optimized for conda. To initialize first install Anaconda. Then from your IDE terminal run,
conda env create --name ENV_NAME --file [FILE_PATH]/pytest_env.yml
cond activate ENV_NAME
Now you are ready to create and run tests.
If you install additional packages be sure to update the .yml otherwise the build script will fail.
Simply Run in the IDE terminal,
conda env export > pytest_env.yml
To assist in debugging tests it is recommended to disable headless mode, so you can watch the code control the browser.
In conftest.py comment out opts.headless = True
Check out the wiki (WIP) for a deeper dive into the various modules.
Please Review the Writer class before developing new test methods.