Transc&Anno is an open source tool for transcription and on-the-fly annotation of handwritten documents.
In was developed on the basis of the FromThePage collaboration transcription tool:
For configuration instructions refer to the FromThePage wiki:
For usage instructions refer to the user guide available on this page: transcanno_user_guide.pdf
- Intuitive transcription and annotation environment. The annotator uses hot keys or buttons triggering pop-up menus in oder to annotate.
- Intuitive annotation scheme definition environment.
- Version Control: Changes to each page transcription are recorded and may be viewed to follow the edit history of a page.
- Presentation: Readers can view transcriptions in a multi-page format or alongside page images.
Transc&Anno is open source.
Transc&Anno currently requires Ruby on Rails version 4.1.1 and the RMagick, hpricot, will_paginate, and OAI gems.
A docker installation is provided in the following repository:
Install Ruby, RubyGems, Bundler, ImageMagick, MySQL and Git
Clone the repository
git clone
Install required gems
bundle install
Install Graphviz
apt-get install graphviz (or see the graphviz documentation at
Configure MySQL
Create a database and user account for Transc&Anno to use.
Then update the config/database.yml file to point to the MySQL user account and database you created above.
Run rake db:migrate to load the schema definition into the database account.
Modify the configuration parameters in config/initializers/01fromthepage.rb.
Modify the config/environments/production.rb (or development.rb) file to configure your mailer. (Search for "action_mailer".)
Finally, start the application
rails server
VersionUsedSummer2018 is the version of Transc&Anno used to transcribe the SMS collection.
The development branch contains the latest version of Transc&Anno where I tried to take into account most of the wishes I received from the users of VersionUsedSummer2018. In this version the database was modified. It means that a collection transcribed with the VersionUsedSummer2018 cannot be directly uploaded into this new version.
author = {{Okinina}, N., {Nicolas}, L. and {Lyding}, V.},
title = "{Transc&Anno: A Graphical Tool for the Transcription and On-the-Fly Annotation of Handwritten Documents}",
volume = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
keywords = {transcription tools - annotation tools - learner corpora},
year = 2018,
month = May,
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