Boids - an MVP (ModelViewPresenter) framework, that allows to build fast and expandable games and apps with unity elements.
Note: this framework is only for building on unity-based elements, and doesn't completly override unity functionality. It is not purpose of this framework, but it is possible to extend this framework to new level and separate unity logics.
- Copy repository or download .unitypackage from release files.
- Open unity 2021.3.8f1 UnityHub download
- Run Splash Scene
Framework separates all worlds logics between different assemblies. Your working project path per world should look like this: Scripts/Impl/Worlds/%worldname%/
Entity (IEntity) - is just a container with uid, that contains fields: (TM)Model, (TV)View, (TP)Presenter, (int)Uid;
You can't code any logics inside of this. use Presenter
World contains features for containing, updating, and managing entities inside of this world. Fields:
- ServiceLocator;
- LifeCycle
- Entities
- RequestSwitch (Requests World Switch)
- IsEnabled (Is world enabled)
Uid - int, unique identifier. Usually used for entity.
var uidGenerator = _world.ServiceLocator.GetService<IUidGenerator>();
var uid = uidGenerator.Next(); // int
Contains services. Usually, you can access this through IWorld. Also contains ISettingsLocator
var someService = _world.ServiceLocator.GetService<ISomeService>();
Gives ability to subscribe and unsubscribe to update events in world.
// add IUpdateListener
public class SomePresenter : APresenter, IUpdateListener
private readonly IWorld _world;
public CameraPresenter(IWorld world)
_world = world;
_world.LifeCycle.AddUpdateListener(this); // now you can subscribe self to update
IWorldEntityCollection. Has entities. You can add entities manually (not recommended).
_world.Entities.Get<SomeModel, SomeView, SomePresenter>(10) // get by uid ands casts to your M, V, P
_world.Entities.GetByTag("tag") // returns collection of entities by tag
Framework is open-source and this is my first open-source project. Use separate branch and merge requests / pull request. Here is some good behaviours:
- Every commit should be named understandable and in English
- Every commit should start with:
DEV - for main devs
,CTR - for public contributors
,EX - for example & showcases branches
; - Before pull request, Pull changes from
. - Create merge request and wait for merge or comments