PeerBlade - is a community driven foss project. This project implementing experemental all-in-one-repo by myself.
- frontend - actual frontend of the website, that user see. Based on NextJS
- backend-users - controlls user sessions, user basic data, auth and registration
- backend-posts - controlls posts, creating, editing, feed.
- backend-assets - controlls and uploads user assets. Uses imgstaz
- Podman
- Npm
To run app, you need to run every service with npm run dev
To merge all app endpoints to single port, we use nginx. Nginx is already configured in /nginx
To run nginx in podman container, use this command:
podman run --name peerblade_nginx \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 5001:5001 \
-p 5002:5002 \
-p 5003:5003 \
-p 5004:5004 \
-p 5005:5005 \
-v /path/to/project/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d:Z \
To start/restart nginx. Use