AngularJS directive to make custom queries on an array of objects.
Clone this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/danypype/angular-query.git
Place the angular-query.js file in your project directory.
Link the file in your html, below AngularJS:
<script src="js/angular-query">
Require the
module from the application module:angular.module('myApp', ['query']
Now you can use the directive like this:
<ul query="dataSet" options="queryOptions" results="queryResults"> <!-- Here you can do whatever you need with queryResults Like a ng-repeat. --> <li ng-repeat="result in queryResults"> ... </li> </ul>
#Query options
You must pass your query options to the directive through the options
attribute as seen above.
You must pass an object structured as follows:
$scope.queryOptions = {
anyProperty: number|string|boolean,
$and: array,
$or: array,
$sort: {
by: string,
reverse: boolean
$limit: integer
You can use the following operators on your queryOptions object:
-> Conjunction. Must be an array of key-value hashes.Example:
$and: [{inStock: true}, {ref: 123}]
returns the items which are in stock and the reference is 123. -
Disjunction. Must be an array of key-value hashes.Example:
$or: [{ref: 456}, {ref: 123}]
returns the items of reference 456 or 123. -
-> Greater than.$gte
-> Greater than or equal.$lt
-> Less than.$lte
->Less than or equal.Examples:
price: {$gt: 20}
returns the items which price is greather than 20.price: {$lte: 21}
returns the items which price is less than 21 or equal.Also can be used with
:$and: [{price: {$gte: 20}}, {price: {$lte: 100}}]
returns the items which price is greater than 20 or equal and less than 100 or equal.$or: [{price: {$lt: 100}}, {inStock: false}]
returns the items which price is less than 100 or aren't in stock. -
-> Order results. Must have the following properties:by
name of property to order by.reverse
must be either true or false to order desc or asc.Example:
$order: {by: 'price', reverse: true}
orders the items by price descending. -
-> Limit results length.Example: Show the first 100 items which price is greater than 20.
{ price: {$gt: 20}, $limit: 100 }
You also can specify direct properties:
"category.id": 1
returns the items which belong to the category with id 1.ref: 123
returns the items with reference 123.