Project: project_Ironie2022
Scripts created to pre-process, analyse and visualize EEG data acquired for the Ironie project, an EEG project in which studies neuronal evoked and oscillatory activity in the context of an irony understanding task. The script includes the following matlab scripts :
- Ironie_EEGpreprocessor_basic: basic EEG preprocessing steps.
- Ironie_CREx_MorletComplex: script to carry out ERSP computation by applying complex Morlet wavelets for time-frequency decomposition on segmented data.
- Ironie_TF2Excel: transfer the time-frequency data to excel file for further statistical analysis (based on R long format).
- Ironie_TF_compare_conds: script to visualise time-frequency maps for individual electrodes or pre-defined regions of interest.
- Ironie_PlotTF_Topos: script to visualise grand-average activity for a predefined frequency band and time-window for all electrodes.