This repo is show the how to setup Keptn with simple demo app for demonstrating quality gate use cases. NOTE: K3S does not support Keptn deployments, so this Keptn setup will only support demonstrating quality gate use case.
Instructions are provide to setup Keptn, a demo app, and running the keptn use case for sending the Keptn events to trigger a quality gate evaluation.
The following Code is referenced in this demo:
- Keptn -
- K3s Keptn installer -
- Prepare Project -
- Quality Gate -
- Simple NodeJS Demo App -
Refer to the image tagging for Keptn version compatibility
Keptn Version |
0.7.3 |
Referring to the diagram below, this is the demo setup:
- Code pipeline tool - The pipeline tasks will call Keptn and run load tests against the demo application. Azure Devops is shown as a full example in use case 1 below, but any pipeline tool like Jenkins or GitLab can be used to send the keptn quality gate events. Keptn events can also be sent manually as shown in use case 2 and 3 below.
- Linux host for Keptn and Demo App. Instructions are below for setting this up as AWS EC2 instance and Azure Virtual Machine
- Lightweight Kubernetes using K3s
- Keptn ( running with k3s
- Demo app is a single Docker image that cab be deloyed within k3s or just run as docker container on the host
- Dynatrace OneAgent that monitors the demo application.
- need to have a Dynatrace tenant
- you need to make an api token for keptn installer to use. See the Keptn Docs for API Token setup requirements.
The Keptn installer will create the autotagging rules for keptn_project, keptn_service, keptn_stage based on DT_CUSTOM_PROP values. Here is how it looks within Dynatrace:
Goto the cloud provider web console and add the VM following the guide below. You will need to SSH into the host to run all the commands below, so have your key pair ready to use. In Azure you can use password authentication for the VM, but this is not recommended.
Azure VM
- Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
- Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory)
- public inbound ports 80, 443, 22, 8080 (You can add 8080 after VM is running)
- install the Dynatrace OneAgent on the VM (get commands from within the Dynatrace web UI)
Create Dynatrace API Reference:
export PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s && echo "My Public IP = $PUBLIC_IP"
curl -Lsf | bash -s - --ip $PUBLIC_IP --with-dynatrace --with-jmeter
NOTE: Be sure to save the URLs, Tokens, and Bridge passwords for later.
- Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type
- t2.xlarge
- Pick - Auto-assign Public IP
- 16 GB storage
- open port 80, 443, 22, 8080
Assumes you have a Route53 DNS pointing to the public IP of the EC2 instance. Be sure to wildcard the record name.
Here is an example:
# Adjust these values
export KEPTN_FQDN=Example FQDN value:
# keep these values
export LE_STAGE=production
export [email protected]
curl -Lsf | bash -s - --provider aws --with-dynatrace --with-jmeter --letsencrypt --fqdn $KEPTN_FQDN
NOTE: Be sure to save the URLs, Tokens, and Bridge passwords for later.
If you need GIT & JQ
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
sudo yum install jq -y
To get an alias to kubectl
echo "alias kubectl='k3s kubectl'" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
git clone
cd keptn-k3s-demo
Deploy within k3s
alias k='k3s kubectl' >> ~/.bash_profile
alias kk='k3s kubectl -n keptn' >> ~/.bash_profile
alias kd='k3s kubectl -n dev' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
k apply -f simplenodeapp.yaml
kd get pods
kd get svc
echo "APP_URL = http://$(curl -s"
Using Standalone Docker Image
Run these commands within the ec2 instance
sudo yum update -y
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
sudo yum install docker -y
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
sudo docker info
Run these commands within the ec2 instance
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose version
Run this command to run the sample node app on port 8080
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e DT_CUSTOM_PROP="keptn_project=demo keptn_service=simplenodeservice keptn_stage=dev" grabnerandi/simplenodeservice:1.0.0
echo "APP_URL = http://$(curl -s"
These use cases assume you have setup Demo App as described above.
Use Case #1 - Test the Prepare and SLO validation from a pipeline in Azure Devops
This example assumes you will be using Dynatrace as a Keptn SLI provider. This use case uses the Dockerized scripts from these projects:
- Prepare Project -
- Quality Gate -
When the pipeline is setup, it will look like this:
From the repo page, choose Import a Git repository
and choose git
and URL of
If prompted, pick an empty job
On the add an artifact
, choose Azure Repos Git
, keptn-k3s
project, the repo created above called keptn-k3s
, and master branch.
Keep the default artifact alias name of keptn-k3s
Below are example values, adjust according your environment. See Prepare Project README and Quality Gate README files for more details.
KeptnApiUrl = [your url e.g. https://xx.xx.xx.xx/api]
KeptnBridgeUrl = [your url e.g.]
KeptnApiToken = [your token]
KeptnProject = demo
KeptnService = simplenodeservice
KeptnStage = dev
ProcessType = [one of these values: ignore | fail_on_warning | pass_on_warning]
ShipyardFile = /tmp/shipyard.yaml
SloFile = /tmp/slo.yaml
DynatraceSliFile = /tmp/dynatrace-sli.yaml
When the variables are setup, it will look like this:
Call the task Keptn Prepare Project
with this code
docker run -i --env KEPTN_URL=$(KeptnApiUrl) --env KEPTN_TOKEN=$(KeptnApiToken) --env PROJECT=$(KeptnProject) --env SERVICE=$(KeptnService) --env STAGE=$(KeptnStage) --env SOURCE=Azure-DevOps --env SHIPYARD_FILE=$(ShipyardFile) --env SLO_FILE=$(SloFile) --env DYNATRACE_SLI_FILE=$(DynatraceSliFile) --env DEBUG=true -v /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_keptn-k3s:/tmp dtdemos/keptn-docker-tasks:0.1.0 prepareproject
NOTE: You may need to adjust the Docker mapping. This example uses the value from System.DefaultWorkingDirectory
Azure Builtin Release Variable
Call the task Set Test Start Time
with this code
$StartTime = (get-date).ToUniversalTime().toString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
Write-Host "==============================================================="
Write-Host "StartTime: "$StartTime
Write-Host "==============================================================="
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=StartTime]$StartTime")
Call the task Send Traffic
with this code
http://IP TO YOUR HOST:8080 10
Call the task Set Test End Time
with this code
$EndTime = (get-date).ToUniversalTime().toString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
Write-Host "==============================================================="
Write-Host "EndTime: "$EndTime
Write-Host "==============================================================="
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=EndTime]$EndTime")
Call the task Keptn Quality Gate
with this code
docker run -i --env API_URL=$(KeptnApiUrl) --env BRIDGE_URL=$(KeptnBridgeUrl) --env KEPTN_TOKEN=$(KeptnApiToken) --env START=$(StartTime) --env END=$(EndTime) --env PROJECT=$(KeptnProject) --env SERVICE=$(KeptnService) --env STAGE=$(KeptnStage) --env PROCESS_TYPE=$(ProcessType) --env SOURCE=Azure-DevOps --env DEBUG=true --env LABELS='{\"source\":\"Azure-DevOps-Inline\",\"buildId\":\"$(Release.ReleaseName)\"}' dtdemos/keptn-docker-tasks:0.1.0 qualitygate
Open up the Keptn Bridge in a browser and you should now see and monitor the evaluation under the project simplenodeservice
and and a stage dev
If you did not capture them earlier, use these command to get the URL and credentials:
echo "Bridge URL = https://bridge.keptn.$(curl -s"
keptn configure bridge --output
Use Case #2 - Onboard Demo Application to Keptn manually (no pipeline)
This set of steps prepares the the keptn project from a SSH session within the host.
Run this script provided by Keptn team and verify the CLI is on version 0.7
curl -sL | sudo -E bash
keptn version
Setup required variables (post keptn install) for authorizing keptn CLI
export PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s
export KEPTN_API_URL="https://api.keptn.$"
export KEPTN_API_TOKEN=$(k3s kubectl get secret keptn-api-token -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.data.keptn-api-token}' | base64 --decode )
keptn auth --api-token "$KEPTN_API_TOKEN" --endpoint "$KEPTN_API_URL"
Run manual commands to onboard project to keptn along with demo app resources files
keptn create project demo --shipyard=shipyard.yaml
keptn create service simplenodeservice --project=demo
keptn configure monitoring dynatrace --project=demo
keptn add-resource --project=demo --stage=dev --service=simplenodeservice --resource=slo.yaml --resourceUri=slo.yaml
keptn add-resource --project=demo --stage=dev --service=simplenodeservice --resource=dynatrace-sli.yaml --resourceUri=dynatrace/sli.yaml
Open up the Keptn Bridge in a browser and you should now see the project simplenodeservice
and and a stage dev
Use these command to get the URL and credentials:
echo "Bridge URL = https://bridge.keptn.$(curl -s"
keptn configure bridge --output
Optional set a new password
keptn configure bridge --user=keptn --password=NEW_PASSWORD
Use Case #3 - Test the SLO validation manually (no pipeline)
This assumes you have completed the Keptn Onbaording already. (i.e. USE CASE #1 or #2)
./ "http://localhost:8080" 150 > /dev/null &
keptn send event start-evaluation --project=demo --stage=dev --service=simplenodeservice
2. Open up the Keptn Bridge in a browser and you should now see and monitor the evaluation under the project simplenodeservice
and and a stage dev
Use these command to get the URL and credentials:
echo "Bridge URL = https://bridge.keptn.$(curl -s"
keptn configure bridge --output
This set of steps prepares the the keptn project and test the SLO validation all from the SSH session within the host.