A draft collection of aspects of the practical system to living in the age of entropy by Fanli (Christian) Zheng and Haohan Wang.
It is patchwork. Which means it changes as we do, and that can be quite frequent, even if you don't zoom in.
It is opinionated. The lines are drawn harshly but can be redrawn as more life is experienced or knowledge is gained.
It is working. In this age of misinformation and the move towards more herd like behaviour, this has been an antidote.
It is difficult. It isn't easy giving up all the dopamine rushes you get from eating processed food or going out and drinking all night.
It is broken. Any thumbnail photo of how to live suffers from incompatible with the true underlying complexity produced by living as social animals. Let us hope this suffers infinitesimally less.
"I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves." - Wittgenstein
“Why are there beings at all instead of nothing?” - Martin Heidegger
"We are not here to follow or please the crowds, we are here in search for a way to carry our burden in a way that maximises the positive impact it has on living organisms. We are infinitesimal, but yet we have a life, thrown into the world as Heidegger might say, fortunate or not, we must muster the tireless questioning by way of experiment and empiricism as well as build on previous knowledge, though carefully. From it, we may derive, patch by patch, a way to shoulder our burden, always willing to start all over again."