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Deliver Imagery to EODMS

willmacs edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 9 revisions


The procedure is aimed at vendors or partner agencies who wish to deliver EO imagery to EODMS for cataloging, archival, and access. One of SFTp or S3 delivery is supported.

S3 Procedure

Required: Provider's AWS account number and ideally, role that they will use to connect.

EODMS side:

  • Create specific role for the provider account
  • Grant role access to bucket (restricted by prefix)

Provider side:

  • Assume role created, above.
  • Access bucket, and delivery imagery

SFTP Procedure

  1. Send your public SSH RSA key to [email protected] and an operator will provision your SFTP account.
  1. Once received, an operator will provision an SFTP account, and will reach out to perform a test connection.
  • On Windows, we recommend using FileZilla


  • On Linux you may use Open SSH

Delivery Procedure

  1. Each provider account is provisioned by EODMS to have restricted write access to their provider directory, s3://eodms-dds-prod/FTPROOT/nmso/<provider>/ or s<provider>/, depending on procedure followed above.
  2. Inside the provider directory, the <recipient_gc-department>/<satellite>/<sensor>/ directory convention must be used. For example, if the provider digital globe wishes to deliver WorldView-3 products to the Government of Canada's Department of Natural Resources Canada, then products should be copied to s3://eodms-dds-prod/FTPROOT/nmso/dglobe/nrcan/w2/w2, where nrcan abbreviation can be found from The w2 satellite/sensor abbreviation is agreed upon between EODMS and the provider ahead of time.

If a provider has any questions on these procedures, please do not hesitate to email [email protected]

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