Runbook can be found in this repo.
We are using Cypress to create a suite of automated functional regression tests.
We aim to create a system that
'describes and validates the behavior of the system as seen from a user perspective'.
This implicitly ensures that business requirements are tested (covered by tests).
The automated tests run in a CI pipeline.
In the majority of the tests we adopt a BDD style coding.
This means that we in the testcase describe the user actions and the behavior of the software using a ubiquitous language based on English. (A ubiquitous language is a vocabulary shared by all stakeholders.)
See here for more information:
The tests are organized after pages and areas of concern (major capabilities)
for the users of the application.
The tests for each area of concern or each page reside in their respective
One example of an area of concern is actions management (creation, editing,
completing, voiding, viewing on different stages of actions).
The set of tests for action management reside in actions_spec.ts
Each test in the set of tests tests one specific capability in the area of
concern or on the page.
One example from actions_spec.ts
is Creating and editing actions.
We use parameterization of tests extensively to iterate over sets of input values.
In many tests we use randomization to select one random element from a a set of possible input values where BMT behaves equivalent for any of those input values.
For instance, the progression of an evaluation is often chosen randomly from a list of progressions. Which progressions that are included in this list are determined based on the behavior that is being verified.
We develop the tests immideately after the relevant functionality is developed in separate PRs.
We mock authentication and the integration with the Fusion framework but we have no type safety for these mocks.
To mitigate these risks we employ short sessions of exploratory testing prior to release into production.
We have 4 different environments in use; dev, qa, prod and pr.
We use Azure Application Insight to monitor our applications.