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autorelease: pending
autorelease: pending
autorelease: tagged
autorelease: tagged
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update Docker code
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
🐣 good first issue
:hatching_chick: good first issue
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Pull requests that update Python code
🚀 future maybe
:rocket: future maybe
status: 👥 duplicate
status: :busts_in_silhouette: duplicate
status: ⚰️ wont do/fix
status: :coffin: wont do/fix
status: 📣 need feedback
status: :mega: need feedback
status: 🚫 invalid
status: :no_entry_sign: invalid
status: 🙏 help wanted
status: :pray: help wanted
status: 🙀 blocked
status: :scream_cat: blocked
status: 🤔 needs more info
status: :thinking: needs more info
status: ✍️ confirmed
status: :writing_hand: confirmed
status: 💤 on hold
status: :zzz: on hold
type: 🐛 bug
type: :bug: bug
type: 💡 feature
type: :bulb: feature
type: 🚧 chore
type: :construction: chore
type: 🔨 build
type: :hammer: build
type: 🔒 security
type: :lock: security
type: 🔍 investigate
type: :mag: investigate
type: 📝 docs
type: :memo: docs
type: :neckbeard: refactor
type: :neckbeard: refactor
type: ❓ question
type: :question: question
type: 🚢 ci
type: :ship: ci
type: ✨ enhancement
type: :sparkles: enhancement