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separate entrypoint-7702 tests into a separate test file
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drortirosh committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent e54c2a7 commit 146dbbe
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Showing 2 changed files with 270 additions and 245 deletions.
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions test/entrypoint-7702.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
import './aa.init'
import { Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import {
} from '../typechain'
import {
} from './testutils'
import {
} from './UserOp'
import { ethers } from 'hardhat'
import { hexConcat, parseEther } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
import { before } from 'mocha'
import { GethExecutable } from './GethExecutable'
import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
import { getEip7702AuthorizationSigner, gethHex, signEip7702Authorization } from './eip7702helpers'

describe('EntryPoint EIP-7702 tests', function () {
const ethersSigner = ethers.provider.getSigner()

// use stateOverride to "inject" 7702 delegate code to check the generated UserOpHash
describe('userOpHash with eip-7702 account', () => {
const userop = fillUserOpDefaults({
sender: createAddress(),
nonce: 1,
callData: '0xdead',
callGasLimit: 2,
verificationGasLimit: 3,
maxFeePerGas: 4
let chainId: number

let entryPoint: EntryPoint
const mockDelegate = createAddress()

const deployedDelegateCode = hexConcat(['0xef0100', mockDelegate])

before(async () => {
chainId = await ethers.provider.getNetwork().then(net => net.chainId)
entryPoint = await deployEntryPoint()

describe('#_isEip7702InitCode', () => {
let testUtil: TestUtil
before(async () => {
testUtil = await new TestUtil__factory(ethersSigner).deploy()

[1, 10, 20, 30].forEach(pad =>
it(`should accept initCode with zero pad ${pad}`, async () => {
expect(await testUtil._isEip7702InitCode(EIP7702_PREFIX + '00'.repeat(pad)))

it('should accept initCode with just prefix', async () => {
expect(await testUtil._isEip7702InitCode(EIP7702_PREFIX))

it('should not accept EIP7702 if first 20 bytes contain non-zero', async () => {
const addr = EIP7702_PREFIX + '0'.repeat(40 - EIP7702_PREFIX.length) + '01'
expect(await testUtil._isEip7702InitCode(addr))

describe('check 7702 utility functions helpers', () => {
// sample valid auth:
const authSigner = new Wallet('0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80')
// created using "cast call --auth"
const authorizationList = [
chainId: '0x539',
address: '0x5fbdb2315678afecb367f032d93f642f64180aa3',
nonce: '0x2',
yParity: '0x0',
r: '0x8812962756107260d0c7934e0ea656ede2f953f2250a406d34be2605499134b4',
s: '0x43a2f470a01de2b68f4e9b31d7bef91188f1ab81fb95c732958398b17c7af8f6'
it('#getEip7702AuthorizationSigner', async () => {
const auth = authorizationList[0]
const signer = getEip7702AuthorizationSigner(auth)

it('#signEip7702Authorization', () => {
// deliberately remove previous signature...
const authToSign = { address: createAddress(), nonce: 12345, chainId: '0x0' }
const signed = signEip7702Authorization(authSigner, authToSign)

it('calculate userophash with normal account', async () => {
expect(getUserOpHash(userop, entryPoint.address, chainId)).to.eql(await entryPoint.getUserOpHash(packUserOp(userop)))

describe('#getUserOpHashWith7702', () => {
it('#getUserOpHashWith7702 just delegate', async () => {
const hash = getUserOpHash({ ...userop, initCode: mockDelegate }, entryPoint.address, chainId)
initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX
}, entryPoint.address, chainId, mockDelegate)).to.eql(hash)
it('#getUserOpHashWith7702 with initcode', async () => {
const hash = getUserOpHash({ ...userop, initCode: mockDelegate + 'b1ab1a' }, entryPoint.address, chainId)
initCode: '0xef0100'.padEnd(42, '0') + 'b1ab1a'
}, entryPoint.address, chainId, mockDelegate)).to.eql(hash)

describe('entryPoint getUserOpHash', () => {
it('should return the same hash as calculated locally', async () => {
const op1 = { ...userop, initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX }
expect(await callGetUserOpHashWithCode(entryPoint, op1, deployedDelegateCode)).to.eql(
getUserOpHashWithEip7702(op1, entryPoint.address, chainId, mockDelegate))

it('should fail getUserOpHash marked for eip-7702, without a delegate', async () => {
const op1 = { ...userop, initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX }
await expect(callGetUserOpHashWithCode(entryPoint, op1, '0x' + '00'.repeat(23)).catch(e => { throw e.error ?? e.message })).to.revertedWith('not an EIP-7702 delegate')

it('should allow initCode with EIP7702_PREFIX tailed with zeros only, ', async () => {
const op_zero_tail = { ...userop, initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX + '00'.repeat(10) }
expect(await callGetUserOpHashWithCode(entryPoint, op_zero_tail, deployedDelegateCode)).to.eql(
getUserOpHashWithEip7702(op_zero_tail, entryPoint.address, chainId, mockDelegate))

op_zero_tail.initCode = EIP7702_PREFIX + '00'.repeat(30)
expect(await callGetUserOpHashWithCode(entryPoint, op_zero_tail, deployedDelegateCode)).to.eql(
getUserOpHashWithEip7702(op_zero_tail, entryPoint.address, chainId, mockDelegate))

describe('test with geth', () => {
if (process.env.COVERAGE != null) {

let geth: GethExecutable
let prov: JsonRpcProvider
let delegate: TestEip7702DelegateAccount
let gethFrom: string
const beneficiary = createAddress()
const eoa = createAccountOwner()
let entryPoint: EntryPoint

before(async () => {

geth = new GethExecutable()
await geth.init()
prov = new JsonRpcProvider(geth.rpcUrl())
entryPoint = await deployEntryPoint(prov)
delegate = await new TestEip7702DelegateAccount__factory(prov.getSigner()).deploy(entryPoint.address)
console.log('delegate addr=', delegate.address, 'len=', await prov.getCode(delegate.address).then(code => code.length))
gethFrom = (await prov.send('eth_accounts', []))[0]
await prov.send('eth_sendTransaction', [{ from: gethFrom, to: eoa.address, value: gethHex(parseEther('1')) }])

it('should fail without sender delegate', async () => {
const eip7702userOp = await fillSignAndPack({
sender: eoa.address,
nonce: 0,
initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX // not init function, just delegate
}, eoa, entryPoint, { eip7702delegate: delegate.address })
const handleOpCall = {
from: gethFrom,
to: entryPoint.address,
data: entryPoint.interface.encodeFunctionData('handleOps', [[eip7702userOp], beneficiary]),
gasLimit: 1000000
// authorizationList: [eip7702tuple]
expect(await prov.send('eth_call', [handleOpCall]).catch(e => {
return e.error
})).to.match(/not an EIP-7702 delegate|sender has no code/)

it('should succeed with authorizationList', async () => {
const eip7702userOp = await fillAndSign({
sender: eoa.address,
nonce: 0,
initCode: EIP7702_PREFIX // not init function, just delegate
}, eoa, entryPoint, { eip7702delegate: delegate.address })
const eip7702tuple = signEip7702Authorization(eoa, {
address: delegate.address,
nonce: await prov.getTransactionCount(eoa.address),
chainId: await prov.getNetwork().then(net => net.chainId)

const handleOpCall = {
from: gethFrom,
to: entryPoint.address,
data: entryPoint.interface.encodeFunctionData('handleOps', [[packUserOp(eip7702userOp)], beneficiary]),
gasLimit: 1000000,
authorizationList: [eip7702tuple]

await prov.send('eth_call', [handleOpCall]).catch(e => {
throw Error(decodeRevertReason(e)!)

// skip until auth works.
it('should succeed and call initcode', async () => {
const eip7702userOp = await fillSignAndPack({
sender: eoa.address,
nonce: 0,
initCode: hexConcat([EIP7702_PREFIX + '0'.repeat(42 - EIP7702_PREFIX.length), delegate.interface.encodeFunctionData('testInit')])
}, eoa, entryPoint, { eip7702delegate: delegate.address })

const eip7702tuple = signEip7702Authorization(eoa, {
address: delegate.address,
nonce: await prov.getTransactionCount(eoa.address),
chainId: await prov.getNetwork().then(net => net.chainId)
const handleOpCall = {
from: gethFrom,
to: entryPoint.address,
data: entryPoint.interface.encodeFunctionData('handleOps', [[eip7702userOp], beneficiary]),
gasLimit: 1000000,
authorizationList: [eip7702tuple]
await prov.send('eth_call', [handleOpCall]).catch(e => {
throw Error(decodeRevertReason(e)!)

after(async () => {

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