The nuget package is available at
0.4.6+5133c86a (Released 2022-5-30)
- Additions:
- latest commit #5133c86a
- [#194] add nullspace accuracy parameter #194
- [#200] move DistanceMetrics from ML to Core #200
- [#203] Add FSharp.Stats.Interactive
- Bugfixes:
- [#195] fix Gamma function edge cases
- [#183] fix rank module #183
- Tests:
- [#72faba16] Add tests for formatting special float cases (infinity,nan)
- [#39ffb209] Add formatting tests
- [#9390d4b3] add rank unit tests
- [#fb36a90d] add Polynomial interpolation test
- [#6de434f0] add interpolation coefficients tests
- [#ca9ad465] Add Natural Cubic,Quandratic and Parabolic Tests
- Documentation: