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Basic Recipes

Cam Phillips edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 34 revisions

Keep two things in mind when analyzing your Data Export data:

  1. Rows are individual events created during sessions
  2. Individual sessions can be found by grouping on a compound key of userid + sessionid

More information about how Fullstory defines sessions can be found here.

All SQL examples are written in Postgres SQL.

Individual session count

select count(*) as "total recorded session count for your org"
(select sessionid, userid
from fsexport 
group by sessionid, userid)


Most active sessions

You can find session activity (the number of events generated per session) by counting the aggregated rows once they are grouped by sessionid and userid.

This example also demonstrates how you can construct FullStory session replay URLs. You can find your org id by going to the JavaScript snippet on the settings page in the FullStory application: window['_fs_org'] = 'your org id';

select count(sessionid) as "events per session",
''||'your org id'||'/session/'||userid||':'||sessionid as "session replay URL"
from fsexport 
group by sessionid, userid
having "events per session" > 35
order by "events per session" desc


Sessions by length

You can compute session length by finding the difference between the Min and Max eventstart values.

select trunc(extract(second from (Max(eventstart) - Min(eventstart)))/60, 2) as "session length (minutes)",
count(sessionid) as "events per session",
''||'your org id'||'/session/'||userid||':'||sessionid as "session replay URL"
from fsexport 
group by sessionid, userid
order by "session length (minutes)" desc


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