This crate enables the creation of functions, methods, traits or even structs generic over mutability.
The main use case is allowing crates to write pairs of getter functions of the form
fn get<'a>(&'a T, ...) -> &'a U
fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut T, ...) -> &'a mut U
as a single function
fn get_gen<'a, M: Mutability>(GenRef<'a, M, T>, ...) -> GenRef<'a, M, U>
This project is currently in an experimental state. Breaking changes are expected before reaching 1.0.0
. You can start experimenting with it in your own projects. Any feedback is welcome!
If you can, please help with any of the following:
This crate relies on
to work. -
If there is anything that is unclear, you can ask me or improve it yourself.
API design
Feel free to bikeshed some things and point out problems before this goes "production ready"!
This project doesn't have a lot of tests. If you can write some, I'd greatly appreciate it!
interfaceWe'll need to create extension traits and functions that make
accessible to generic mutability.