The LCD Module uses a unique technology - the so-called memory display developed by Sharp. It provides a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels in 1.28 inch size. It implements an ultra-low-power display controller, so you can have active graphical display with a long service time from batteries.
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You can control your application using the two buttons located below the LCD screen. The module is also equipped with a gesture sensor (Avago APDS-9960). This circuit, composed of the infrared transmitter and four directional photodiodes responding to different wavelengths, can also be used to measure the light intensity and color or as a proximity sensor.
The LCD Module also includes six RGB LEDs that can be used to indicate status or as a light alarm.
A typical use-case for the LCD Module is a wireless thermostat, or it can directly display values from various sensors located both indoors and outdoors.
The LCD Module can also function as a unique status display for the Turris Omnia router.
- Memory LCD LS013B7DH03 (Sharp)
- Display resolution: 128 x 128 pixels
- Display size: 1.28 inch
- Two user buttons
- Gesture sensor APDS-9960 (Avago)
- Movement
- Light intensity
- Proximity
- 6x miniature RGB LED
- Typical consumption < 16 μA
- Operating voltage range: 2.7 V to 3.3 V
- Operating temperature range: -20 to 70 °C
- Dimensions: 33 x 55 mm