The Sensor Module features up-to four universal inputs or outputs on a pluggable terminal block with 1-Wire bus mastersupport. The terminals can be used as both analog and digital input/output. For example you can connect various external digital, analog or resistive sensors. Also, you can communicate with other devices on a 1-Wire bus.
E-shop**** | Schematic Drawing | SDK Library | Header File | Source File |
The two terminals - A on the left, B on the right - are connected to the BigClown header signals P4/A4/DAC0 and P5/A5/DAC1.
The C pin is in default configuration connected also to the ground GND. It is possible to remove zero-ohm resistor R20 and solder it to the place R21. This way the C signal is directly connected to P7 and can be used as extra input.
The VCC middle pin is possible to control by software. You can enable 3 V on this pin.
Configurable terminal modes:
- Analog input or output
- Digital input or output
- Pull-up resistor none/4.7 kΩ/56 Ω
Examples interfaces:
- Digital temperature sensor on a 1-Wire bus (DS18B20)
- Resistance temperature sensor (Pt 100, Pt 1000, etc.)
- Analogue temperature sensor (LM35, TMP37, etc.)
- NTC temperature sensor
- Control of digital 1-Wire relay block
- Button or any type of switch
- Voltage measurement
- Plug-in 4-pin screw terminal block
- Operating voltage range: 1.65 V to 5.5 V
- Operating temperature range: -20 to 70 °C
- Dimensions: 33 x 55 mm
This connection is used for Soil Moisture Sensor, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor or Denkovi 1-Wire Relay
This connection is used for example in Radio Door Sensor project.
You can connect 3 LEDs in default configuration. (Or up-to 4 LEDs in case of channel C rewiring). Every LED has to have a resistor in series. All cathodes are connected to the GND pin. The channels A and B are controlled directly by setting pins P4, P5 high by using bc_gpio
functions. The third LED connected to the VDD is controlled by bc_module_sensor_set_vdd
Potentiometers are connected between VDD and GND. It is needed that VDD output is powered on by bc_module_sensor_set_vdd
function. Then by using bc_adc
you can read analog values from pins P4, P5.