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Install on Windows

Tom Elliott edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

Installing iNZight on Windows is very straightforward. You just need to install the necessary packages (and their plethora of dependencies), and GTK (we'll get to this).

DISCLAIMER: iNZight has been developed as a GUI tool targeted towards non-experts (and in fact complete beginners), so the time put into making it a nice, well structured and valid R package has been minimal. You might need to tweak these instructions to suit your setup.

Setting your repositories

We have our own repository hosting all of our iNZight* packages (and a few others). To add this, use the following:

options(repos = c('your_favourite_CRAN_mirror', 

If you don't have a favourite, you can use the RStudio one:

Installing all iNZight packages

All you need to do is run this command, and everything should take care of itself:

install.packages(c('iNZight', 'iNZightPlots', 'iNZightMR', 
                   'iNZightRegression', 'iNZightTS', 'iNZightModules', 
                   'iNZightTools', 'vit'))

Leave off vit if you don't want that.

If you only want the basic iNZight, then you should be safe with ...


... but you might need to debug any missing dependencies.

Install GTK



and you should be presented with a prompt to install the GTK libraries. You only need to do this once.

Running iNZight

If that went according to plan, you can launch iNZight using:


Have fun!