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Building API Client

Koustuv Sinha edited this page Jan 25, 2016 · 1 revision

In order to build API clients which will communicate with the backend REST endpoints, we will follow a simple event bus approach with the help of Otto. The boilerplate to call API's has been pushed on commit 0876e80, which contains the file /apis/ as the boilerplate and /apis/ as the interface to define the URL endpoints. We will use the latter file to define all new endpoints.

As you can see we have already defined a dummy api getAllBooks(). Defining an API is easy, provide the suitable annotation (@GET, @POST etc). Then in application, whenever you need to call the api, follow the following steps :

  1. Instantiate otto bus from BusProvider

    Bus bus = BusProvider.getInstance().getBus();
  2. Register bus in the class to subscribe for callbacks

  3. Define proper callback identifier key in

    public static final String GET_BOOKS = "getBooks";
  4. Start a callback request for a particular model

    Callback<List<BookModel>> callback = AppClient.getOttoCallback(Config.GET_BOOKS);
  5. Subscribe via model in signature to get results

    public void onBooksRetreived(ArrayList<BookModel> books) {
      // do stuff with books
  6. Subscribe error handler

    public void onErrorEvent(RetrofitErrorEvent errorEvent) {
     switch(errorEvent.accessType) {
      case Config.GET_BOOKS:
        // handle error
  7. Unregister otto bus listener when work is finished. This is very important step in order to properly release subscribers or else other activity subscriber may be fired

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