VS Code settings for bootstrapping projects. This is mainly for my convenience. If it helps you out...great :)
- build and test tasks
- Ignore dotnet files from the explorer
- ReSharper Shortcuts. keybindings.json can be copied to
Preference: Open Keyboard Shortcuts File
code --install-extension ms-vscode.csharp
code --install-extension jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager
# ESLint: Create ESLint configuration
code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
npm i -D jest
# install docker
pip install aws-sam-cli
pip install awscli
sam init -r nodejs8.10 -n my-app
cd my-app/hello_world
npm install
# API debugging setup
# termimal A
cd my-app
sam local start-api -d 5858
# terminal B
# non-API debugging setup
echo {} | sam local invoke -d 5858
Edit-debug cycle
- attach debugger. see launch.json
- debug
- debugger will detach itself after each request is complete
- repeat
code --install-extension eamodio.gitlens