released this
03 Jun 10:49
allow to have limited import when export is save and restored from JSON #393
add support for new u and s regex flags when parsing commands
add less plugin based on the one from leash
supports for promises returned from completion function
add prism.js file that include monkey patch for PrismJS library (for syntax highlight) to output terminal formatting
better read method #397
handle promises returned from login and async login function #401
add history option for push for easy disabling history for new interpreter
add scrollObject option, so you can use body when terminal is on full screen div without height
fix resizer in Firefox #395
fix $.terminal.columns and echo array #394
fix $.terminal.columns for wider characters and terminal formatting
fix rows() when using --size #398
fix null in JSON hash
fix jumping on right click (context menu) #399
fix formatting inside brackets #396
fix async interpreter #400
use window resize when terminal added to body
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