This is a Snakemake based 16S QIIME2 pipeline.
To install, we assume you already have installed Miniconda3 (4.7.10+)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Create a conda environment:
cd 16S_QIIME2
conda env create -f environment.yml
- The following software also need to be installed:
To run the pipeline, activate the envrionment (currently based on QIIME2 2019.7) by entering
source activate qiime2-2019.7
(Make sure to install dnabc
and unassigner
in the qiime2-2019.7
To run the pipeline, we need
- Multiplexed R1/R2 read pairs (Undetermined_S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz, Undetermined_S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz), and
- QIIME2 compatible mapping file
- Tab delimited
- The first two columns should be
) andBarcodeSequence
- Create a project directory, e.g.
and put the mapping file, e.g.test_mapping_file.tsv
in the project directory - Edit
so that it suits your project. In particular,- all: project: path to the project directory, e.g.
- all: mux_dir: the direcotry containing multiplexed R1/R2 read pairs, e.g.
- all: mapping: the name of mapping file, e.g.
- all: project: path to the project directory, e.g.
- To run the pipeline, activate the envrionment by entering
source activate qiime2-2019.7
and execute e.g.
snakemake \
--configfile path/to/config.yml \
--keep-going \
--latency-wait 90 \
--notemp \
- When submitting jobs using
, you may run e.g.bash run_snakemake.bash path/to/config_test.yml
bash dryrun_snakemake.bash path/to/config_test.yml
for dryrunbash unlock_snakemake.bash path/to/config_test.yml
for unlocking
- Multiplexed R1/R2 read pairs
- QIIME2 compatible mapping file
- Demultiplexed fastq(.gz) files
- Total read count summary (tsv)
- QIIME2 compatible manifest file (csv)
- QIIME2 compatible manifest file
- Demultiplexed fastq files
- QIIME2 PairedEndSequencesWithQuality artifact and corresponding visualization
- QIIME2-generated demultiplexing stats
- QIIME2 PairedEndSequencesWithQuality artifact
- Feature table (QIIME2 artifact, tsv)
- Representative sequences (QIIME2 artifact, fasta)
- Representative sequences
- Taxonomy classification table (QIIME2 artifact, tsv)
- Representative sequences
- Aligned sequence
- Masked (aligned) sequence
- Unrooted tree
- Rooted tree
- Rooted tree
- Various QIIME2 diversity metric artifacts
- Faith phylogenetic diversity vector (tsv)
- Weighted/unweighted UniFrac distance matrices (tsv)
- Representative sequences (fasta)
- Unassigner output (tsv) for species level classification of representative sequences
- Representative sequences (fasta)
- Dada2 species assignments (tsv)
- Dada2 Raw data for loading in R (RData format)
- Representative sequences (fasta)
- Vsearch report (tsv) customized to be like BLAST results (see config.yml)
- Vsearch list of representative sequences that aligned (fasta)
- QIIME2 compatible mapping file and output from diversity calculation
- Basic Bioinformatics Report containging heatmap, relative proportion bar graph, alpha diversity plots, beta diversity plots, and per sample read counts in HTML format.